Saturday, April 23, 2011

Saturday, April 23, 2011

Left Kenly, NC at 4 am and drove straight home non stop.  Got home at 1 pm.  Got on my bike and went to a double header baseball game in Daytona Beach.  Had a great time, even though my team lost both of games. 

Got back home again at about 7:45 pm.  Boy am I tired.  Eat, shower, bed!  Good night.

Friday, April 22, 2011

Friday, April 22, 2011

Drove into Yorktown, VA early this morning and delivered the conveyor and stuff.  After that drove back to Petersburg, VA for my next load.  44,192 pounds of steel pilings going to Tallahassee, FL.  Do not have to deliver until Wednesday. 

Got lazy and stopped early tonight at the Petro truck stop in Kenly, North Carolina.

Thursday, April 21, 2011

Thursday, April 21, 2011

Drove back to Newton, NH to the place I delivered yesterday morning for a load going to Yorktown, VA.  They build the machines that "eat" trees and make wood chips out of them.  Here are a couple photos of the things they build there:

I am taking a conveyor and some other parts to Virginia.  This is what I have:

After I got all that on I drove to a rest area south of Washington DC for the night.

Wednesday, April 20, 2011

Wednesday, April 20, 2011

Left Pine Grove, PA at 3 am and drove to Newton, New Hampshire and delivered the first half of the load. Then drove up to Harpswell, Maine and delivered the rest of it. Went back to the TA truck stop in Greenland, New Hampshire for the night.

Tuesday, April 19, 2011

Tuesday, April 19, 2011

Left Manning, SC early this morning.  Drove up to the Petro truck stop in Kenly, NC and replaced my refrigerator.  The old one quit working.  Its always something!!  Going through North Carolina I passed several places where the tornadoes went through.  Was only able to grab a few photos of it.  Here they are:

Went through Washington DC and Baltimore right at rush hour.  Boy did I time that right!!!  Took f-o-r-e-v-e-r to get through there. 

Stopped for the night at the Pilot truck stop in Pine Grove, PA.  Hope to start real early tomorrow.

Monday, April 18,2011

Went to Orlando this morning to get the alignment done on my truck and found out that my front hanger bushings are worn out and need replacing.  They were unable to do the work today so I rescheduled for next Tuesday.  After that I went to Perry, FL and picked up my next load.  Another one of those buildings with the canvas covering.  Last load I got from there went to Seattle and ended up in Alaska.  They told me that it finally got there.  They just sent a guy up there to put it together.  This time it was 2 buildings.  One going to New Hampshire and the other going to Maine. 

Drove up to the TA truck stop in Manning, SC for the night.