Saturday, March 31, 2012

Saturday, March 31, 2012

Left Tyler, Texas as soon as the sun came up this morning.  Had a great day on the road.  Started off a bit foggy then heavy haze, then overcast, and finally clear sky.  Even driving through Dallas was a breeze.  So much nicer on the weekend!!  Went past the Texas Motor Speedway again.  Took some photos but the fog was a bit heavy so it is hard to see.  Here is the best one - and that is not saying much!

Did you notice the race cars they have in the middle of the lake?   I didn't think so.  I did a little editing and zoomed in on them best as I could.  Here they are.

Continued on up through Oklahoma and then into Kansas.  Stopped for the rest of the weekend at a truck stop in Garden City, Kansas.  Deliver just down the road from here Monday morning.

Friday, March 30, 2012

Friday, March 30, 2012

Much better day today!!  Started as soon as the sun came up this morning.  Made it all the way through Mississippi to the closed weigh station 5 miles before Louisiana.  Had to stop and wait there because my Louisiana permit had not arrived yet.  Sat there for 4 hours waiting.  While there I took a few more photos.  Notice how low the trailer sits.  It is only 4 inches off the ground.

 It finally arrived and I was off again.  Drove to a Pilot truck stop in Tyler, Texas for the night. Bought my Mega Millions ticket too.  Not that I have a snow balls chance....  But have absolutely no chance if I don't play.  Still have no chance.

Thursday, March 29, 2012

Thursday, March 29, 2012

Left Marianna this morning and arrived in Pensacola right at 7 am CDT.  Checked in with security.  They said the guy "...was in a meeting but should be calling you in when he gets out".  I went back to the truck and waited.  At 11 am CDT I went back to security and inquired about my status.  All they would say was "They know you are there".  I went back to my truck and waited.  At 2 pm CDT I went back to security and asked again.  This time they said that "...they had issues on first shift" and that "...they would load me on second shift".  Second shift didn't start until 3:30 CDT.  I went back to my truck and waited again.  Needless to say, I'm not a happy camper.  At 3:15 pm CDT security called me and said "come on in".  I was first in line with four other trucks.  Waited until 4 pm CDT and they started to load us.  They finally put the wind generator hub on my trailer.  It weighs 57,300 pounds.  It is the thing that the blades attach to on the huge wind generators that Obama and the democrats think will save the world!!  Got it chained down. Then it was time to tarp it.  Fortunately they used the fork lift to drape them over the top of the thing.  Secured them as best as I could then got on the road.  I didn't get out of there until 6:45 pm CDT!!!!

Well all I had to do was get up on I-10 and that damn tarp started to flap like a huge flag.  I hate those ^&*(&*%^&$^*& things!!  Made it to the weigh station.  The only good thing about today was that the DOT did not give me any hassles.  Permit was fine.  I pulled over to the side and tried to fix the tarp flappage.  Got back on the road again.  Still flappage!!   Drove to the Oasis truck stop just inside Alabama for the night.  Oh the troubles didn't stop there!  Pulled up to get fuel and my locking fuel caps had some rust in the locks and I couldn't get the key in.  Worked on them for about 15 minutes and got them freed up.  Filled up both tanks.  Then went to scale up.  The scale is in a crummy place here so I had to drive around the parking lot, go back out on the road and come in again.  Scaled up then pulled over to the side, parked and went in to get my paperwork.  Well, the girl behind the counter was having a good ole time talking to some guy in front of me.  By the time she got around to doing her job I was really fuming!!  She gave me my fuel ticket but could not find the scale ticket.  She fumbled around for another five minutes. I went and sat down at at table.  Finally I could not take it any more.  I said I'll go get on the scale again.  I went back out, got in my truck, drove around the parking lot and got up on the scale again.  By this time I'm ready to kill someone.  After she got my weight again I went and parked the truck.  I needed to calm down a little bit before I went back inside.  I worked on the tarp again.  Hopefully I have it this time.  Went back in, got my scale ticket - I'm  96,300 pounds.  Took a long hot shower then had dinner.   Hope tomorrow is better!!  Good night!!

Wednesday, March 28, 2012

Wednesday, March 28, 2012

Had a most enjoyable time off.  Now back at it again.  My next load is tomorrow morning in Pensacola, FL.  I have a different trailer for this.  It has three axles instead of two.  That is a very good thing!!  I can take larger and  heavier (better paying) loads.  It is a lot older and not as pretty as the other one, but that is just fine with me. 

Drove to the TA truck stop in Marianna, FL for the night.