Saturday, December 7, 2013

Saturday, December 7, 2013

Pretty boring day except we had an earthquake!!!   It felt very weird.  My first experience with an earthquake that I could actually feel.  

Click here for details

Friday, December 6, 2013

Friday, December 6, 2013

The snow stopped this morning before 9 am local time.  Hard to tell from the drifting snow, but I guess we got about 4 inches.   Here is my view today.

The drain in my sink froze up so I have a sink full of water.  Other than that, very boring day. 

Thursday, December 5, 2013

Thursday, December 5, 2013

First thing this morning, so far, the weather was fine.  No precipitation yet, but still cold and windy.   Went over to the place I was to load.  Picking up three sections of an air conditioner that are going to a job site in Denton, Texas.  That is just north of Dallas. There was a truck ahead of me loading up for a trip to St. Louis.  Once he finished and got out of the way, I backed in.  The contractor at the job site called and said not to load.  They were shutting down the job site until Monday because of the storm. Fortunately, they had not started to load me yet.  They were going to pay for me to wait.  There are two other Daily trucks transporting these things down there too.  Drove back to the Daily yard in OKC and dropped my trailer.  Went to Wally World (Wal-Mart) and picked up a bit more food for the weekend.  Made it back to the Daily yard, parked and plugged in to electricity before the weather started.  Then took a nap.  Woke up to the sound of the sleet bouncing off the truck.

Apparently this is a significant weather event for this area.  The local TV stations are doing what our TV stations do when a hurricane approaches.  Wall-to-wall weather coverage with reporters all over the place showing roads and airports and saying stupid things.  By 4:30 pm local time roads were a mess.  About 1/4 inch of sleet has fallen so far covering everything in ice and temperature in the 20's.  Glad I'm parked.  Here is my view.  Lovely, isn't it?

The weather weasels are saying that we will get 4 to 5 inches of snow overnight.  By noon tomorrow it should be sunny again.  

Wednesday, December 4, 2013

Wednesday, December 4, 2013

Drove the rest of the way into Oklahoma City this morning and delivered.  Then went over to the Daily yard in Oklahoma City and changed to a flat bed trailer for my next load.  

SUPPOSED to load tomorrow morning BUT the weather is going to get very bad starting tonight with sleet and freezing rain and then snow.  Winter Storm Watch or Warning is in effect for most of the state.

I found video of the truck hitting my mirror yesterday.  Here it is.

Honestly, I don't think he even knows that he hit it.

I'll spent the night at the daily yard so I can plug in to electricity and not run the generator.

Tuesday, December 3, 2013

Tuesday, December 3, 2013

Left real early this morning.  Dreary day all day.  Slight rain, overcast, and foggy.  Stopped in Little Rock at the Petro truck stop for fuel and then parked to walk in to take a shower inside the Petro.  While I was in there someone took out the wide load mirror on the passenger side.  Fortunately that's all he got.  Of course he was nowhere to be seen.

This is not starting off to be a good month.  Stopped for the night at a truck stop in Ozark, Arkansas.  Weather Channel is saying that I'm going to be in an ice storm this weekend!!  Oh Goodie!!

Monday, December 2, 2013

Monday, December 2, 2013

After a very nice Thanksgiving holiday spent with family and friends I am back at it again.  Went to the Port in Brunswick, GA this morning and loaded an itsy-bitsy Volvo Roller.

After that went to the Port in Savannah, GA and loaded a tiny Volvo Excavator.

They are both going to Oklahoma City, Oklahoma.  Left Savannah and drove to the Flying J truck stop in Temple, GA for the night.