Friday, April 12, 2019

Friday, April 12, 2019

Early this morning I went over to get my truck washed hoping that there was no line.  My instincts were correct!  When I got there I went straight in and got the truck all clean again.  That means we will be getting rain soon.  After that was done I drove to the Petro truck stop in Oak Grove, Missouri.  This too is another truck stop in the Iowa 80 family of truck stops.  I'll be relaxing here until Monday morning.  Load about an hour from here.

Thursday, April 11, 2019

Thursday, April 11, 2019

As soon as my 10 hours was u I left.  Made it through Oklahoma City before rush hour.  No traffic issues today.  Stopped for the night at the Petro truck stop in Joplin, Missouri.  This is another huge truck stop in the Iowa 80 family of truck stops.  It is a little smaller but still has a ton of stuff.  It is also right across the street from The Chrome Shop Mafia.  Quite a few years ago there was a TV show on the CMT Channel called "Trick My Truck", That is where that show originated from.

Wednesday, April 10, 2019

Wednesday, April 10, 2019

Left a half hour before sunrise this morning.  Easy drive up to Vernon, Texas to a truck stop they were using as a staging area.  Waited there along with the other two trucks that loaded when I did. They were there ahead of me waiting.  At the job site they were unloading blades this morning.  When they were through unloading them it was my turn.  Meanwhile, I took a nap.  Three and a half hours later I was called in to unload.  Drove the 40 miles to the job site where I was met by someone that escorted me to the pad where the tower was to be built.  The crane and crew were there waiting for me.  That is VERY unusual!!!!  They all jumped right in untarping and unchaining the load.  It was off and I was out of there in record time!!  Wish it was always like that!!!!  My next load is up near Kansas City and doesn't load until Monday.  I went back to the truck stop in Vernon, TX for the night.

Tuesday, April 9, 2019

Tuesday, April 9, 2019

Timed it absolutely perfectly this morning.  Passed the "Welcome To Monroe" sign at the stroke of 9 am.  Pretty good day on the road.  When I crossed into Texas my escort car dropped off and I continued on.  Very little problems going through Dallas and Ft. Worth.  Stopped for the night at a Shell station with a few truck parking places in Haslet, Texas.

Monday, April 8, 2019

Monday, April 8, 2019

Went over to the Port of Pensacola first thing this morning.  Went right in and got loaded right away. Loaded a GE Wind Energy Hub that is going to Crowell, Texas.

Was ready to go as soon as the Pensacola curfew was over at 9 am.  Much faster than loading at the GE plant.  I just barely beat the thunderstorm, but not the rain.  I was soaked when I left there.   My pilot escort car was waiting for me at the gate and pulled in behind me as I came out.  Spent most of the day on back roads.  For some reason the stupid States did not want me on the Interstate highways.  The other two that loaded when I did were routed on the Interstates, but not me!!  Stopped for the night at the TA truck stop in Tallulah, Louisiana.  Will start a little bit late tomorrow.  Can't go into Monroe, LA until after 9 am.