Wednesday, April 10, 2019

Wednesday, April 10, 2019

Left a half hour before sunrise this morning.  Easy drive up to Vernon, Texas to a truck stop they were using as a staging area.  Waited there along with the other two trucks that loaded when I did. They were there ahead of me waiting.  At the job site they were unloading blades this morning.  When they were through unloading them it was my turn.  Meanwhile, I took a nap.  Three and a half hours later I was called in to unload.  Drove the 40 miles to the job site where I was met by someone that escorted me to the pad where the tower was to be built.  The crane and crew were there waiting for me.  That is VERY unusual!!!!  They all jumped right in untarping and unchaining the load.  It was off and I was out of there in record time!!  Wish it was always like that!!!!  My next load is up near Kansas City and doesn't load until Monday.  I went back to the truck stop in Vernon, TX for the night.

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