Friday, August 27, 2021

Friday, August 27, 2021

 Left early this morning and drove the rest of the way to Washington, Georgia.  Got there before they opened.  Gave me enough time to get all the securement stuff off and put away. Then they got to work and unloaded me.  From there I drove home to Jacksonville, FL for the weekend.  Have a doctor's appointment Monday.  After that, I'll be back at it again.

Thursday, August 26, 2021

Thursday, August 26, 2021

 Left at 1 AM this morning.  Drove almost non-stop 689 miles to the Pilot truck stop in Augusta, Georgia.  Had to stop.  Only had 10 minutes left on my drive time clock.  I'll deliver in the morning.

Wednesday, August 25, 2021

Wednesday, August 25, 2021

 Left a half-hour before sunrise this morning.  Drove the four-hour trip up to a quarry in Sandusky, Ohio.  As soon as I started to un-chain the crusher it started to rain.  Then the heavens opened up.  Of course, I got soaked!!  Waited for the rain to slow down enough to be able to work and finally got the thing off my trailer.  My next load was about two hours away in Girard, Ohio.  Drove over there and loaded a Caterpillar D6 dozer blade and the arms for it.  They are going to Washington, Georgia.

Left there and went across the street to the Petro truck stop for the night.  As soon as my 10 hours are up, I'm on the road again.

Tuesday, August 24, 2021

Tuesday, August 24, 2021

 Left at sunrise this morning.  A very uneventful day on the road - that's a good thing!!  Stopped for the night at the Pilot truck stop in Caldwell, Ohio.  

Monday, August 23, 2021

Monday, August 23, 2021

 Went over to the Port of Charleston early in hopes of getting loaded early.  No luck.  They didn't start until a little after 1 PM.  Loaded a Crusher that is going to a quarry in Sandusky, Ohio.

Left there and drove to the Petro truck stop in Columbia SC for the night.

Sunday, August 22, 2021

Sunday, August 22, 2021

 With my new trailer in tow, I started off for South Carolina.  Got as far as the gate at the yard.  The air tank at the back of the trailer had rusted through causing a huge air leak.  I turned around and went back into the yard.  Dropped the trailer in the repair area and settled in to wait until it was fixed.  I sent a text to the mechanic.  He came in and swapped out the tank.  Shortly after noon I was once again heading to South Carolina.  Stopped at the Flying J truck stop in St, George, South Carolina.  Will get a late start tomorrow.  My crane appointment to load at the Port isn't until 1 PM.