Saturday, March 3, 2012

Saturday, March 3, 2012

Left Bloomington, IL early this morning and drove to Eddyville, Iowa.  I deliver Monday morning about a half mile from the convience store where I am parked. 

Drove through Ottumwa, Iowa on the way.  Ottumwa is the home of fictional character Corporal Walter Eugene "Radar" O'Reilly played by Gary Burghoff in the TV show M*A*S*H.

Friday, March 2, 2012

Friday, March 2, 2012

Left early this morning and had a pretty good day on the road.  Misty rain on and off most of the morning. 

East of Indianapolis the weather hit.  Had heavy rain and a short bit of pea sized hail.  Going around Indianapolis still had heavy rain.  Then had nickle sized hail.  I pulled off the road under an overpass to protect my windshield.  Several cars did too.  One IDIOT!!  - and I really would love to know what was going through this moron's mind - STOPPED right in the middle of the interstate under the overpass.  In the center lane!!   Just stopped and sat there.  A semi truck came up behind him and almost PLOWED that fool into next week.  He was so lucky that the driver of that truck was able to stop in time.  He was just inches - and I really do mean inches - from that idiots back bumper.  The hail didn't last long and I was back on my way again. 

West of Indianapolis it cleared up and the sun was out.  When I drove into Illinois the sun was gone again and it was very overcast.  The wind had picked up.  Misty rain returned for a little while.  But the cross wind was really something.  The National Weather Service said that it was 20 to 30 mph sustained with gusts up to 45 mph.  I was hit by a few of those gusts!!  Like getting hit broadside by a train!!. 

Stopped for the night at the TA truck stop in Bloomington, Illinois.

Thursday, March 1, 2012

Thursday, March 1, 2012

Delivered the excavator first thing this morning then headded for my next load in Newberry, SC.  On the way found out that my loading appointment was tomorrow morning at 8 am.  Since I had plenty of time I stopped at Thermo King in Charlotte, NC and had my APU fixed again!!  Another $200 but I think it is finally fixed right.  Back on the road to SC.  When I got down there I decided to stop in and see if I could get loaded today instead of in the morning.  Most of the time this does not work, this time it did!!  I got  loaded with a Caterpillar generator and some parts for it.

It is going to Eddyville, Iowa for a Monday delivery.  They have a crane scheduled.  Got back on the road and drove to Naples, North Carolina to a small truck stop there for the night.

Wednesday, February 29, 2012

Wednesday, February 29, 2012

Went over to the Daily yard in Baltimore this morning and loaded up a John Deere 225 Excavator without the boom.  They look so weird without the boom attached.  They drive real funny too.  Very light in the front, almost bouncy. 

As soon as 9 am arrived I left and headed for Kernersville, NC.  Could not go through the tunnel or over the bridge in Baltimore so I had to go about 40 + miles around on I-695.  It took an hour and fifteen minutes to get back to I-95 south of Baltimore.  A trip that would normally only take about ten minutes.  I also got lucky with the weather.  It started raining as soon as I pulled out of the yard in Baltimore.  Rained hard for about half the day, then cleared.  Drove down to John Deere in Kernersville, NC and spent the night there.  Unload in the morning.

Tuesday, February 28, 2012

Tuesday, February 28, 2012

Got on the road early this morning.  Drove pretty much non-stop to Dundalk, MD and delivered the tractor and stuff.  My next load is tomorrow morning.  It is at the Daily Express yard in Baltimore. I'll go get it in the morning.  Stayed the night at the TA truck stop in Baltimore.  Had a very nice visit with my brother and nephew too. 

Monday, February 27, 2012

Monday, February 27, 2012

Got over to John Deere in Waterloo early this morning to pick up my next load.  I was not early enough!  I was number 29 in line!!! It took forever to get loaded today.  I took a nice nap while waiting.  When I finally got loaded I got a John Deere tractor, four tires, hubs, and a light kit.

I'm taking these things to the port in Dundalk, MD.  The tractor is going to Germany and the tires and two crates of parts are going to St. Petersburg, Russia.

After I finally got that stuff on board and tied down I drove to the Petro truck stop in New Paris, Ohio for the night.