Monday, June 22, 2020

Monday, June 22, 2020

This morning I went back to the job site very early to get the trailer ready.  On the way in I took some better pictures of the area that was VERY tight getting in.  Where the culvert is, there is a 3 to 4 foot drop off into the running water.  Can't see it because the weeds were all grown up around it.

And here is where they unloaded me.  I backed up in front of the crane, they lifted the thing off, and I pulled out.

Here they are unwrapping their million dollar "Christmas" present.

After I got empty I left and drove up to the home office in Carlisle, PA.  They have a lot of maintenance work to do on my truck.  When I got there I got my company furnished rental car, did more laundry, had dinner, and settled in for the night.  Tomorrow start off for home.