Saturday, May 16, 2020

Saturday, May 16, 2020

Followed 3 blades and a nacelle in to unload this morning.  They unloaded the three blades then brought the nacelle in and me next to him.  

Fortunately it didn't rain last night so the pad was in pretty good shape.  Also they hadn't dug the hole yet either.  Once the two cranes took care of the nacelle, the one spun around and lifted my hub off and I was outta there!  Heading back to Garden City for another one.  Stopped for the night at the Petro in Salina, KS.

Friday, May 15, 2020

Friday, May 15, 2020

Well, we had another thunderstorm last night.  More heavy rain and hail.  

Weather today was perfect!!  Anyway, I still didn't get unloaded today.  Went and did some laundry then Wal Mart and got my prescriptions refilled.  Did get some good news tonight.  He said I will probably be going in tomorrow morning.  Lets hope so. 

Thursday, May 14, 2020

Thursday, May 14, 2020

At about 4 am we had a nice little thunderstorm.  Lots of rain and some hail.  The pads were a mess without the rain.  I would imagine that they were a real mess this morning.  I'm sure that slowed things down bringing stuff in to unload.   At 9:30 nothing had moved yet.

But just before 10 they started to bring in stuff.  They brought all the blades and some of the towers in.  But not me.  I went back to bed.  At 4 this afternoon I talked to the guy on the phone.  He said he didn't know when I would get empty.  He still didn't have any pads available for hubs yet.  I went to dinner at a Mexican restaurant up the road a bit and then back to my little corner of the parking lot.   Sooooo here I sit.  Looks like we are gonna get another storm tonight.

Wednesday, May 13, 2020

Wednesday, May 13, 2020

This morning everything that was parked in here last night went in to deliver EXCEPT me.  Heard through the grape vine that another tower section got stuck.  This one, they say, was really bad.  Don't know anything more about that. Tonight this place really filled up.  9 blades, 6 tower sections, and another hub.  Hopefully I will get in tomorrow.

Tuesday, May 12, 2020

Tuesday, May 12, 2020

Didn't sleep well last night.  Went back early to get my trailer.  A little after a half hour before sunrise I left.  Had to get out of Garden City before 7 am. That is when curfew starts.  Did good on the road.  Drove up to the staging area at the Sac & Fox Truck Stop in Powhattan, KS.  When I checked in he told me that I might be here a while, he didn't have a pad for me yet.  There are 2 other hubs here ahead of me.  After a short nap I went to dinner with the drivers that had the other hubs.  One of them said he had just talked to the guy and was optimistic that we would get unloaded tomorrow.  Lets hope so!!  After dinner a quick trip to Wal Mart.  Was getting low on Mt. Dew.    There are 4 blades, a nacelle, a tower, and 3 hubs in here now.  

Monday, May 11, 2020

Monday, May 11, 2020

After I left the lab that drew my blood, I drove down to Garden City.  It was very busy in the yard today.  I waited 2 hours before they brought me back to load.  I was 3rd in line.  Waited another 2 hours before they loaded me.  I helped the other two ahead of me with their tarps and they helped me with mine.  That's why it looks better.  It was very much appreciated.  It was raining a bit and very windy too.  By the time we were all finished it was too late to leave so I dropped my trailer there and drove to the truck stop for the night.  Working with tarps on three trucks took it's toll on my back.  Standing and walking is not pleasant.  

Sunday, May 10, 2020

Sunday, May 10, 2020

Didn't do much today.  Drove 93 miles to Hays, KS to a convenience store with truck parking.  Have to have lab work done tomorrow at Quest.  This was the closest place that had a place where I could drop my trailer to get there.  Then I'll head down to Garden City to get another hub.