Saturday, May 9, 2020

Saturday, May 9, 2020

They finally came by to unload us late this morning.  After the nacelle was unloaded it was my turn.  I pulled up next to the crane once again to the edge of the hole for the tower substructure.  This is what it looks like before they pour the concrete.

Once empty I drove to the Petro in Salina, KS for the night.

Friday, May 8, 2020

Friday, May 8, 2020

At about 7:45 this morning we were told that one of the members of the unloading crew (there are two crews) has tested positive for the COVID-19 virus.   Both crews are on "stand down".

A short time later we were told that they have a crew together to unload us today.  They brought in a tower section and 3 blades to join us in the staging area.

They started off with the tower section.  He started in towards the pad.  His rear steer person apparently didn't do a very good job and put it in the ditch.

They brought in a crane to lift it out.  He was sunk in the mud to the frame.

They got him unstuck then brought in another tower section followed by the 3 blades.  Then it was our turn.  It was 4:30 pm CDT.   I followed the nacelle in to the pad where we were to unload.  And there we sat.  Nobody there to unload us.  At 6 pm found out that we were there for the night.  I dropped my trailer there.  A friend followed me as we went into town for dinner.  The restaurant was finally opened for dine in food.  I had a big steak.  It was delicious!!!!   So good to have real food again.  Then went back, re-connected to my trailer, and settled in for the night.

Thursday, May 7, 2020

Thursday, May 7, 2020

Drove the rest of the way back to the staging area at the Sac & Fox Truck Stop.  Took a nap.  Got a call saying to follow the nacelle in.  At 2:45 we left and drove to another staging area very close to the delivery site.  We were going to wait there for the night.  I took the tarp off, rolled it up, and put it away.   I dropped my trailer and went into town and picked up dinner.  Returned and hooked back up to my trailer and settled in for the night.   

Wednesday, May 6, 2020

Wednesday, May 6, 2020

Was over to load at 7 am CDT.  I haven't been here for many years.  It really has grown!!  Here is what it looks like from Google Satellite. 

Went in and went over to where my hub was and waited for them to load me.

Once all that was done, I was out of there at noon CDT.  Started back toward Goff, KS.  Stopped for the night at the Petro truck stop in Salina, KS.  They have good showers here.  Also needed to do a load of laundry.  My back was doing pretty good tonight until I started carrying that laundry around.  Of course I'm parked in the back of the parking lot so its quite a hike to the building. Now it is hurting pretty good.  I'm sure it will feel better in the morning.  Laying down always helps.

Tuesday, May 5, 2020

Tuesday, May 5, 2020

Early this morning I went back and hooked up to my trailer and waited.  The had to bring the tower in first - he was blocking the way in.  Once he got in to unload they brought the crane over and I pulled in to unload.  The tower section didn't need the crane.  The trailer he had is one where he can unload himself.  Didn't get stuck today.  The ground was a bit firmer.  

Once again the front of my truck was right at the edge of the hole where the substructure of the tower was.  This is the part you normally don't see.

Once empty I drove down to Garden City, Kansas.  I load there in the morning.  Another hub going back up to Goff.  

Monday, May 4, 2020

Monday, May 4, 2020

Followed a tower section in this morning.  We left at about 7 am CDT.  It takes about an hour to get to the pad from here.  Got to the pad when we got the word that operations were suspended due to lightening in the area.  Not really the best of ideas to be working with a crane when there is lightening all around.  

I hurried up and got the tarp off and everything put away as it was sprinkling. Shortly after that they shut everything down for the day.  I dropped my trailer there and went back to the truck stop.  Try again tomorrow.

Sunday, May 3, 2020

Sunday, May 3, 2020

Left a half hour before sunrise this morning in a thunderstorm.  After a while I drove out of it and eventually it became sunny.  Made it up to the staging area in Powhattan, KS before 10 am CDT.  Still didn't feel very good so I went to sleep.  Woke up mid afternoon and felt better. This evening, after dinner,  I got a call from the guy up here.  I'm going in to unload first thing in the morning.  Excellent!!!!!