Saturday, March 12, 2011

Saturday, March 12, 2011

Another uneventful day on the road.  A little snow in Idaho and Wyoming.  A small detour in the Salt Lake City area. A semi tank truck overturned on top of the overpass at the I-15 and I-84 split.  Had the whole interstate shut down.  I detoured through town.  Did good and didn't loose too much time.  Other than that, I drove to Rawlins, Wyoming to the TA truck stop for the night.

Friday, March 11, 2011

Went over to Richland, WA early to pick up my load.  Got lucky and got in early.  Picked up 6 bars of titanium weighing 40,100 pounds.  Going to Monroe, NC.

Parked at the building next to where I loaded was this old locomotive.  Looked really good.

Didn't drive very far tonight.  Stopped for the night at the TA truck stop in Boise, Idaho.

Thursday, March 10, 2011

Thursday, March 10, 2011

Loads from here don't pay worth a flip!!  Waited all day for them to find something that actually paid money.  Finally got one that loads tomorrow in Richland, WA.  Drove to a truck stop in Pasco, WA for the night.  Load about 10 miles from here at about 1 pm local time. (PST).

Tuesday, March 8, 2011

Tuesday, March 8, 2011

Got an early start this morning.  Not too long after I hit the road the snow started.  Just flurries at first.  Going over Snoqualmie Pass on I-90 it was snowing real hard.  Very few other vehicles at that time of day.  The snow covered the road and with few other vehicles there was no way to see what lane I was in.  The whole road was white.  Just had to guess.  Fun thing to do, go over a mountain in the snow, at night, not see real good because it is snowing so hard, and don't know where you are exactly on the road.  I love a challenge!!! I'm sure glad I bought those heated windshield wipers!!  They worked great!!  No problems with ice forming on the wipers yesterday or today.   Once I got down the other side the snow changed to rain. 

Delivered at the port in Seattle.  While being unloaded the forklift driver dropped one of the bundles.  OOPS!!!

After I was empty drove to the TA truck stop east of Seattle on I-90 to do a reset.

Monday, March 7, 2011

Monday, March 7, 2011

Slept in this morning and got a late start. Felt good.  Once I got out of Utah the weather deteriorated pretty quick.  Started off with snow flurries.

Then it snowed real hard.

It snowed pretty much all the way through Wyoming. A few times it changed to rain, but most of the time it was snow.  The plows did a good job keeping the road clear.  When I got to Boise it was all rain. 

When I crossed into Oregon it was really weird.  The sky's cleared up and eventually it was sunny.  Went passed a sign:

Went over the top and this was the view:

The other side of the guard rail is straight down 1,500 feet.  Really cool!!

Stopped for the night in Union Gap, Washington at a truck stop.

Sunday, March 6, 2011

Sunday, March 6, 2011

Didn't sleep very well last night.  Got on the road real early.  Drove for about 200 miles and stopped for a nap.  Another uneventful day on the road.  Snowed most of the way through Wyoming. Heavy wet snow.  Fortunately it melted when it hit the road so it was more like driving in the rain.  At one point the plows were out plowing.  In Utah it changed to rain.  Stopped for the night at the Flying J truck stop in Ogden, Utah after driving 684 miles.