Saturday, December 11, 2010

Saturday, December 11, 2010

Saw on the weather reports that there was some bad weather heading my way. Looked like I would only catch a small piece of it because it was going east and I am going west.  Even so, I wanted to get ahead of it as much as possible.  I got an early start this morning from Oak Grove, MO - that's 30 miles east of Kansas City.  Started off it was 47 degrees, not bad!  While north on I-29 north of Kansas City I hit rain.  Then the temp. started to go down.  Here it comes!!  The rain stopped for a while.  Then when I started west in Nebraska it got really cold.  Started to snow and the wind picked up.  On I-80 west of Lincoln, NE the wind was blowing straight down from the north at about 40 to 50 MPH with much higher gusts.  Worst cross wind I have been in so far.  The truck was blowing all over the road.  Snow came down a lot harder too, but it was blowing sideways.  the temp. had dropped to 12 degrees.  Passed a truck that didn't handle the wind too well.

Here is a video of that.  In the video you can hear the wind blowing the truck and the gusts hitting the truck.  When I pass the truck on it's side you can hear when I took the still photo and also another truck driver making a comment on the CB radio.

After about 100 miles I drove out of the snow.  The wind calmed down some too.  Still blew pretty hard and made the rest of the drive a challenge.  By the time I stopped for the weekend in Big Springs, Nebraska the sun was out.  Still windy and cold though.  I finally broke down and bought a real winter coat.  It was on sale for $34.  Make my first delivery in Colorado about an hour from here Monday.

Friday, December 10, 2010

Friday, December 10, 2010

Had about a quarter inch of snow last night.  Not enough to mess up the roads.  Drove into St. Louis this morning and picked up the last part of this load.  Fifteen stone slabs.  They are what counter tops are made from.  They weigh 10,500 pounds.  That's 700 pounds each. They are going to Denver, CO.

Drove from there to Oak Grove, MO to the Petro truck stop for the night.

Thursday, December 9, 2010

Thursday, December 9, 2010

Drove down to Pittsburgh, PA today and picked up another partial load.  That makes 3 now.  Have the last one to pick up in St. Louis, MO tomorrow.   

Here is what I have so far:

Here is the Pittsburgh skyline and Three Rivers Stadium, where the Steelers play.

Stopped for the night at the TA truck stop in Eaton, Ohio.

Wednesday, December 8, 2010

Finally got a load.  Actually, its three loads.  Went back up into Maine and picked up a couple parts to a Snow Cat (those machines that groom the ski slopes).They are going to Grand Junction, Colorado.  Then picked up a generator going to San Diego, California.  On the way out west I will be stopping in St. Louis to pick up something else that is going to Denver.

Drove through seven states today. As soon as I crossed into Pennsylvania it started to snow.  Going over the mountain just west of the Delaware Water Gap it snowed hard.  The roads were covered and no Penn. DOT anywhere in sight.  It cleared up after about 35 miles.  Stopped for the night at 3am at a truck stop in Hickory Run, PA.

Tuesday, December 7, 2010

Tuesday, December 7, 2010

Drove to Saco, Maine this morning and delivered the lumber.  Didn't have another load scheduled yet so I went back to the TA truck stop in Greenland, New Hampshire for the rest of the day.  Truck stops are few and far between up here, and this one is not that big.  Not a whole lot of freight moving up here right now.  Hope I get out of here tomorrow.  No snow here, just real cold!!  And windy!!!  If you can believe it, I am actually using the heat in the truck!!  I KNOW !!!   Incredible!!!

Monday, December 6, 2010

Monday, December 6, 2010

Delivered the prison beds this morning in Epharta, PA.  Then took a nap until I got my next load.  When I got it, I drove to Bethlehem, PA and picked up a load of lumber going to Saco, Maine. 

Drove through Kinnelon, NJ again.  For those of you in my family that are interested and that have not seen this before, here is what I-287 looks like in Kinnelon.  At the beginning of the video you will see the "Kinnelon Boro" sign on the right side of the road.  Other than that, its a boring video.

Stopped for the night in Maybrook, NY at the TA truck stop.