Saturday, May 30, 2015

Saturday, May 30, 2015

This morning was told that we have a "slim chance" of getting unloaded today. I dropped my trailer and went into town.  Got fuel, filled my water tank, showered, got some more groceries, and bought supplies to replace the light on my trailer that fell off.  When I got back I hooked back up to my trailer and fixed the trailer light.  Once again it is good as new. Now I'm settled in for the rest of the weekend.  Hope to get empty Monday. Sprint internet sucks here so the camera will not be working.

Friday, May 29, 2015

Friday, May 29, 2015

Went over to the job site this morning. Got in line at 7 am local time.  I was behind 3 blades and 2 tower sections.  Because of the rain last night they had to repair the dirt roads this morning before anything could go in.  At about noon local time they took the 3 blades back in.  At 4 local time the took the 2 tower sections back.  Then I was first in line.  This is what it looked like behind me.

At 6:30 local time they came and got us and took us back to the yard for the night. They were going to be working tomorrow but were not sure if we would get unloaded.

Thursday, May 28, 2015

Thursday, May 28, 2015

Easy day today.  Drove the rest of the way up to Burlington, Colorado.  Stopped at a truck stop there to spend the night.  Deliver in the morning.  Doing a time lapse video of the weather. Lots of thunderstorms around.  If it is any good I'll post it tomorrow.

Wednesday, May 27, 2015

Wednesday, May 27, 2015

Left this morning at sunrise.  Had some bumper to bumper traffic going through Dallas.  About 40 miles south of Amarillo I ran into another pretty good storm.  Pea to nickle size hail, heavy rain, and a lot of wind.  Fortunately no glass broken but one of my new rear beacon lights broke off somewhere.  Oh well!!  Stopped for the night in Amarillo, TX.  Of course in Amarillo I had to park and eat at the "Big Texan".

They still have the limos to pick you up.

Here is my dinner tonight.


Very windy here tonight.  Lots of storms around.  News is reporting that a tornado took out an oil drilling rig somewhere around here.  Could be an interesting night, but I doubt it.  Radar shows nothing headed this way.  They are all around here but not heading this way.

Tuesday, May 26, 2015

Tuesday, May 26, 2015

This morning loaded a GE Wind Energy Hub that is going to Burlington, Colorado.

Left there and drove through a couple brief periods of very heavy rain.  Then it was mostly cloudy for the rest of the day.  Stopped for the night at the Petro Truck Stop in Shreveport, LA.  While waiting for my dinner to get to my table we had a hail storm.  It was a pretty good one too.  Hail was about the size of a quarter.  Took out a few windshields in the parking lot.

The only damage to my truck was a broken amber beacon lens on the trailer.  WHEW!!!!

Monday, May 25, 2015

Monday, May 25, 2015

Got a lot done while I was home.  But now it's time to get back on the road.  Took a nice easy drive over to the GE Wind Energy plant in Pensacola, FL.  I load another hub here in the morning.