Saturday, June 18, 2011

Saturday, June 18, 2011

Got started early this morning.  I was pulled over in Louisiana for a roadside inspection.  I was one strap short on my load so I put another one on.  Other than that, everything was fine.  He liked my log book.  Stopped for the rest of the weekend at the TA truck stop in Dallas, TX.  While there I replaced my air horns.  They were broken, still worked enough to get by though. Now they REALLY work good.

Friday, June 17, 2011

Friday, June 17, 2011

Guess what!!????!!   Yup, my truck wouldn't start again!!   Had someone bang on the starter again and it started right up.  The place I delivered this morning was just down the road from the truck stop.  Was there before they opened and first in line.  Seemed like it took forever to get unloaded, but it really didn't.  After that went back to the truck stop and had the truck and trailer washed.  That load was a bit messy!  Then fueled up.  Talked to the mechanic that worked on it and I will be getting a load to get me back home again eventually.

Drove over to Cedertown, GA for my next load.  More racking.  This time its going to Midlothian, TX.  That is just south of Dallas.

When loaded up I drove down to Jackson, MS to the Petro truck stop for the night.

Thursday, June 16, 2011

Thursday, June 16, 2011

Arrived to get loaded this morning at 7 am. Of course, they were not ready yet.  They still had to cut the locomotive up some more.  I am picking up pieces of a locomotive that they are cutting up for scrap.  They are going to Atlanta.  The red and white thing on the left (below) is the locomotive.  The engine is already gone.

The curved thing is the top of the cab.  The black square thing is the fuel tank.

 I finally got all loaded and on the road at 1 pm. 

Drove up to the Petro truck stop in Atlanta for the night.

Wednesday, June 15, 2011

Wednesday, June 15, 2011

Got my starter replaced with a new one today.  The electrical problem was a loose wire (WHEW!!) didn't need a new alternator.  Works great now. Have a load to pick up in the morning in Brunswick, GA so I drove up there and spent the night there so I could load first thing in the morning.

Tuesday, June 14, 2011

Tuesday, June 14, 2011

Nothing new on the truck yet.  Spent the day with Mom and went to the dentist to get a broken tooth fixed.  Happy, happy, joy joy!!!  Still had a nice time with Mom.

Monday, June 13, 2011

Once again, the truck wouldn't start this morning. Had to beat on the starter to get it going.  When it finally started I drove the 2 1/2 hours into Medley, FL (that is just west of Miami International Airport) and delivered.  On the way was having problems with the charging system on the truck.  Fortunately the sun was up by the time I got back on the road and didn't need lights anymore.  Decided not to get another load down in Miami and instead just drive back home to get the truck fixed.  It acted up all the way home but I made it.  Didn't use the A/C or anything else on the way.  Boy, was it hot!!!!  Sweating all the way, not only from the heat but the anxiety of not knowing if I would make it home without breaking down.  That was the longest drive home!! 

The mechanic came by to work on my truck.  Couldn't get the started off. One of the bolts would not let loose.  Called his friend that had a torch and he came by and heated it up and finally got the starter off.  He took it to the shop where they will take it apart, rebuild it and then he will bring it back to re-install.  He also checked the charging system.  It was charging just fine.  He thought that all the problems were related to the starter.  We will see when it gets all put back together.  Hope so 'cus I can't afford a whole lot more!!

Sunday, June 12, 2011

Sunday, June 12, 2011

Today started out just great!!  The truck wouldn't start!! Had to beat on the starter to get it to work. Finally got it running.  Now I'll need a new starter too!!   Drove down to the TA truck stop in Vero Beach.  I deliver tomorrow morning just west of Miami.  I'm still 2 1/2 hours away.  I'll (hopefully) leave here real early tomorrow morning to beat the Miami traffic.

While on the road this morning I passed a moving van that had gone off the road, flipped on it's side and caught on fire.  Must have happened last night sometime.  Aren't you glad it wasn't your stuff they were hauling?