Thursday, May 6, 2021

Thursday, May 6, 2021

 At around noon today, the shop called and said that International had all the parts to fix my truck and to bring the truck up there.  On my way to Harrisburg, I stopped at the hotel and checked in.  After dropping the truck off at International, one of the guys from the shop picked me up and brought me back to the hotel.  Looks like I'll be here through the weekend. Goodie!!!   

Wednesday, May 5, 2021

Wednesday, May 5, 2021

 Left a half-hour before sunrise this morning.  Drove straight to the Port of Baltimore in Dundalk, Maryland, and delivered the tractor.  Then drove up to the home office in Carlisle, PA. They want to look at the truck.    While there I was able to get my new computer.  Now comes the fun part of getting everything back into it.

Tuesday, May 4, 2021

Tuesday, May 4, 2021

 Left about a half-hour before sunrise this morning.  Had an uneventful day on the road today.  Drove to the Flying J truck stop in Millersport, Ohio for the night.

Monday, May 3, 2021

 Sorry that I'm late with this posting but my computer totally crashed this morning. Couldn't do anything with it.  When I went to use my backup computer it was messing up too. Finally got it working enough to do a few things on it.  Anyway, I delivered the wheel loader and was out of there before 7 AM.  I think that is record time!!!  My next load was in Waterloo, Iowa.  I drove down there and loaded a John Deere 9520RX Tractor that is going to the Port of Baltimore.  My favorite tractor!!

Left there and drove to the Daily yard in Bettendorf, Iowa for the night.  Tried to get a new computer while there but was unable.  Will keep trying.

Sunday, May 2, 2021

Sunday Evening, May 2, 2021

 I was laying in bed watching TV when there was a loud crunching noise as my truck was bouncing around. I knew immediately what had happened.  I got up and looked out to see a Landstar truck in front of my truck.  He had stopped.  What he did was while swinging his truck around to line up to back into a parking spot two places down from me, the tail of his trailer struck my truck causing damage.  I started taking lots of photos immediately.  The local sheriff's office was called and a deputy was sent out to make a report.  Here is what he did to my truck.  Crunched the bumper, took off the hood mirror and damaged the hood & grill.

Here is the damage to his trailer.

The mechanic in the TA shop came over and helped me get the bumper off my tire so that the truck was driveable. Here is the end result of that.

After the commotion was over I went back to bed.

Sunday, May 2, 2021

 They took my truck and trailer into the shop at about 9:30 this morning.  While they worked on my truck, I took a shower and did a few loads of laundry.  We both finished at about the same time.  Hopefully, everything is fixed now.  I will deliver tomorrow morning.