Sunday, May 2, 2021

Sunday Evening, May 2, 2021

 I was laying in bed watching TV when there was a loud crunching noise as my truck was bouncing around. I knew immediately what had happened.  I got up and looked out to see a Landstar truck in front of my truck.  He had stopped.  What he did was while swinging his truck around to line up to back into a parking spot two places down from me, the tail of his trailer struck my truck causing damage.  I started taking lots of photos immediately.  The local sheriff's office was called and a deputy was sent out to make a report.  Here is what he did to my truck.  Crunched the bumper, took off the hood mirror and damaged the hood & grill.

Here is the damage to his trailer.

The mechanic in the TA shop came over and helped me get the bumper off my tire so that the truck was driveable. Here is the end result of that.

After the commotion was over I went back to bed.

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