Saturday, December 14, 2013

Saturday, December 14, 2013

The snow didn't start until around 5 am.  This is what it looked like at 9 am.

It continued to snow all day.  Here is what it looked like at about 4 pm.

By 6 pm it had changed to freezing rain.

Friday, December 13, 2013

Friday, December 13, 2013

Left Brazil, IN just before sunrise this morning.  Very good day on the road again.  Just a little bit of construction bumper to bumper going around Columbus, Ohio.  Other than that, no problems.  Had to stop for the weekend at a small truck stop in Hancock, Maryland because I ran out of daylight again.  

The weather is supposed to get real bad starting tonight.  National Weather Service is saying that we should get 4 to 8 inches of snow starting tonight around midnight.  By tomorrow evening it is supposed to change to sleet and then freezing rain.  Here we go again!!  Stay tuned, I'll have more snow photos tomorrow.  I'm supposed to deliver Monday morning.  Hope the roads are clear by then.

Thursday, December 12, 2013

Thursday, December 12, 2013

Left Vinita, OK just before sunrise this morning.  Nice day on the road.  Drove to the Petro truck stop in Brazil, Indiana for the night.  Had to stop, ran out of daylight.

Wednesday, December 11, 2013

Wednesday, December 11, 2013

Left the casino early this morning and went in to Denton, TX and delivered the AC sections.  Then went back up to the Daily yard in Oklahoma City and got rid of that lovely trailer and got my trailer back.  From there I drove up to Tulsa, Oklahoma and loaded a case of flight simulator parts that are going to the Port of Baltimore.

After that drove to a very small convenience store with some truck parking in Vinita, Oklahoma for the night.

Tuesday, December 10, 2013

Tuesday, December 10, 2013

Got up at 5 am local time.  The TA truck stop was PACKED tight.  Difficult to get around in the parking lot with all the trucks and ice.  There were also trucks lined up down the road too.  One truck got stuck in the ice trying to get out and had the road blocked.  The cops and a wrecker were there trying to get him out.  Tried to get fuel while I was there but they were out of fuel.  I managed to get out by going out the "in" and driving the wrong way down the divided road to the stop light.  

The roads were still horrible in Denton.  I got to the place at the University of North Texas where I'm delivering, and backed in off the main road.  This is what it looks like.  That ice layer is several inches thick. And yes, that is solid ice.  You could ice skate on it if you had skates.

Once I got empty I drove back to Oklahoma City to load three more sections.  Got there right at noon local time and was fifth in line.  Finally got loaded.  Was the last one they loaded today.

Left there and drove to the WinStar Casino at the Oklahoma / Texas state line on I-35.  Didn't want to go back to that TA again.  That place was a mess!!  This place is HUGE!!   Had a great dinner at the Grand Buffet.  

Monday, December 9, 2013

Monday, December 9, 2013

Went back to get loaded in OKC this morning.  Loaded three sections of an air conditioning system that are going to Denton, Texas.  After everything was secured and I had pulled out of the lot, they called and said to go back, they screwed up.  So I backed in again and they took off one of them and put another on.

Finally got out of there and drove down to Denton, Texas to the place I was to unload.  In Texas, the Interstate was in fairly good shape but once you get off the interstate the roads were a mess!!  Hadn't been plowed and no salt/sand.  Just solid ice ruts.  Anyway, there was no one there.  The job site was still shut down due to weather.  They said that they will be there tomorrow morning.  I then went over to the TA truck stop in Denton, TX for the night.  

Sunday, December 8, 2013

Sunday, December 8, 2013

Light dusting of snow this morning.  Felt an aftershock this afternoon.  I'll be glad to get moving again.