Saturday, December 10, 2011

Saturday, December 10, 2011

Nothing special today.  Got on the road as soon as the sun came up. Drove to the Petro truck stop in Girard, Ohio.  That is just west of the Pennsylvania state line on I-80. Got there at 12:30.  My Pennsylvania permit does not allow me to drive on Saturday after 12 noon (another STUPID Government regulation!!) or on Sunday.  I'll be here until the sun comes up Monday morning.

Friday, December 9, 2011

Friday, December 9, 2011

Went into Granite City first thing this morning.  Loaded a laser cutting machine.  It is one of those machines that cuts metal with a laser.  It is being shipped to Brazil. 

Fortunately there was another Daily truck there loading other parts for this machine going to the same place.  We worked together tarping this monstrosity!  The photos don't show all the sharp edges and things that would rip up a tarp.  Also the top was all open, except for those two orange bars. That gave very little support to the tarps.  It took a while but finally got it done.

After finishing my truck we worked on his.  Fortunately I got the easier one!!  His was really a mess!! Neither one of us could have tarped our loads alone.  What a mess!!  We finally finished and got on the road.  Didn't get very far before running out of daylight.  Stopped for the night at a rest area on I-70 in Indiana east of Indianapolis. 

Wednesday, December 7, 2011

Wednesday, December 7, 2011

Left Hebron, Ohio (just east of Columbus) early this morning and drove into Riverdale, Illinois, a Chicago suburb, and delivered the crane stuff.  My next load is on Friday morning down in Granite City, Illinois.  That is on the Illinois side of St. Louis.  I drove down to the TA truck stop in Troy, Illinois to wait until Friday. The load is only a few miles from here. The next load is an oversize load and requires a crane to load.  The crane is scheduled for Friday morning.

Tuesday, December 6, 2011

Tuesday, December 6, 2011

Went into the Port of Baltimore to pick up my next load.  It takes f-o-r-e-v-e-r in there!!  Union workers go at their own pace, S-L-O-W !!!!  Its amazing that anything gets moved in or out of there.  Anyway, I finally got loaded.  Two counter weights that are 20,000 pounds each and a small box of crane parts that are going to Riverdale, Illinois.

This is thre crane that they go on:

Fortunately the rain held off, for the most part, while I got loaded.  But it rained for the rest of the day.  Not heavy rain, just rain.  I could tell when I crossed the cold front. The temperature went from 54 degrees to 42 in just a short time.  Now its down in the 30s.  Stopped for the night at the TA truck stop in Hebron, Ohio. 

Monday, December 5, 2011

Monday, December 5, 2011

Had my front axle aligned this morning and then put a new tire on the left front.  Drives much better now. My next load picks up tomorrow at the port in Baltimore, MD. After I finished getting the truck fixed I drove down to the TA truck stop in Baltimore for the night.