Saturday, August 3, 2019

Saturday, August 3, 2019

This morning I went to Walmart.  The closest one was 23 miles away.  Restocked a bunch of stuff.  The main reason for the trip was that my bed sheets finally wore out and ripped.  Needed to replace them.  When I got back I checked into a hotel until Monday morning.  I parked my truck in the truck parking lot which was behind the hotel.  Went to my room, carrying all my stuff, which was on the second floor at the front of the hotel.  The key was a card that you place in front of the reader on the door, it beeps and a green light comes on signifying that the door is now open.  I placed the key in front of the thing and all I got was a blinking red light.  Went back down to the front desk and got a new key.  Went back up and tried it again, same thing.  In frustration I kicked the door and it opened!  I went inside, put my stuff down and went back to the door. Much to my surprise the door was able to be opened without a key!  All anyone had to do was push on it.  I went back down to the desk and was given a different room.  Went back up and got my stuff.  I went to my next room which was now on the first floor at the other end of the hotel.  This one everything worked the way it was supposed to.  After lunch I did 2 loads of laundry and went back to working on the computer.

Friday, August 2, 2019

Friday, August 2, 2019

Left at sunrise this morning and drove down to Fenton, Missouri and delivered the dozer.  After getting empty I headed toward Decatur, Illinois.  Don't have another load yet, that is where they wanted me to go 'cus I'll probably get one there Monday.  Stopped for the weekend at a truck stop in Tuscola, Illinois.  There!!!! Finally caught up!!

Thursday, August 1, 2019

As soon as my 10 hours was up I started driving toward my next load which was at the Caterpillar Proving Ground in Washington, Illinois.  Stopped along the way along got a much needed truck and trailer wash. Stopped at the Daily terminal in Morton, Illinois because I was very early to load.  Took a nap.  Then went up to the Caterpillar Proving Ground in Washington, Illinois.

Loaded a John Deere 850K Dozer that was going to Fenton, Missouri.

Caterpillar will periodically rent a competitors machine and take them apart to see how they are made.  Not saying that is what they did with this machine, I'm just saying...

Left there and drove back to the Daily terminal in Morton.  I was out of hours.  Then dropped my trailer and went to Peoria and bought a new computer.  Spent the rest of the day and part of the night setting up the new computer and transferring files.

Wednesday, July 31, 2019

Started driving as soon as my 10 hours were up.  That was at 2:30 am.  Made it through Nashville long before curfew started.  Unfortunately we just missed the Louisville, KY curfew.  Stopped in Glendale, KY to wait it out.  Took a little nap.  Left in time to get to Louisville as curfew ended at 9 am.  Continued on to a stainless steel plant in Ghent, KY and delivered the ladle. Delivered along the "hot road".  That is the road that the big machines that carry the slag pots and ladles full of really hot stuff.  It was also thick with mud!!!  I got stuck. Bottomed out the trailer backing in to where they were waiting to unload me.  I was able to raise the air bags on the trailer just enough to get unstuck.  In the process slung mud everywhere.  I backed in to the guys waiting for me.  After taking all the chains off, in the mud, they used two large wheel loaders.  Put one on each side and lifted it up while I drove out from under it.  Stopped when I ran out of hours at the TA truck stop in Seymour, Indiana at about 1:30 pm.

Tuesday, July 30, 2019

My computer took a dump and I was unable to update the blog for a few days so I'm catching up on everything today, Friday, August 2.  Had to buy a new computer.  Oh the joy of transferring all my files and stuff!!!!

Now back to Tuesday.  Left a half hour before sunrise this morning.  Met my Arkansas escort at the State line.  There was a bit of a misunderstanding on how many I actually needed.  Turned out that I only needed one. He will be with me until I deliver.  Had no problems on the road.  Lots of back roads in Arkansas, but not as many as last time.  Stopped for the night at the TA truck stop in Denmark, Tennessee. Will start as soon as my 10 hours are up.

Monday, July 29, 2019

Monday, July 29, 2019

Got up early and went for donuts.  Then back to the Daily terminal and got my trailer.  Went to the Port of Houston to load.  When I got there I was 22nd in line to check in.  Once I finally got checked in the crane guys came over and got me and brought me to where we were going to load.  Loaded a Slag Ladle that came from China and is going to Ghent, Kentucky.

Left there and drove to a small truck stop in Tyler, Texas for the night.  I'll have 2 escorts in Arkansas tomorrow because I'm 12 feet, 6 inches wide.  More back roads through Arkansas.