Saturday, August 3, 2019

Saturday, August 3, 2019

This morning I went to Walmart.  The closest one was 23 miles away.  Restocked a bunch of stuff.  The main reason for the trip was that my bed sheets finally wore out and ripped.  Needed to replace them.  When I got back I checked into a hotel until Monday morning.  I parked my truck in the truck parking lot which was behind the hotel.  Went to my room, carrying all my stuff, which was on the second floor at the front of the hotel.  The key was a card that you place in front of the reader on the door, it beeps and a green light comes on signifying that the door is now open.  I placed the key in front of the thing and all I got was a blinking red light.  Went back down to the front desk and got a new key.  Went back up and tried it again, same thing.  In frustration I kicked the door and it opened!  I went inside, put my stuff down and went back to the door. Much to my surprise the door was able to be opened without a key!  All anyone had to do was push on it.  I went back down to the desk and was given a different room.  Went back up and got my stuff.  I went to my next room which was now on the first floor at the other end of the hotel.  This one everything worked the way it was supposed to.  After lunch I did 2 loads of laundry and went back to working on the computer.

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