Saturday, April 23, 2022

Saturday, April 23, 2022

 Didn't sleep at all.  Left Cartersville at midnight thirty.  Drove to the Daily yard in Jacksonville, FL. Now I'm going to sleep.  The phone is off!!!

Friday, April 22, 2022

 Left very early this morning.  Had a nice day on the road until Chattanooga, TN.  17 miles of bumper to bumper traffic from west of Chattanooga all the way to I-75.  Drove 638 miles today. Stopped for the night at the TA truck stop in Cartersville, Georgia.

Thursday, April 21, 2022

Thursday, April 21, 2022

 Left in the rain real early again this morning.  Drove to a John Deere dealer in Williamsport, IN, and delivered one tractor.  Got there way before they opened.  After I got the tractor off I had to wait for them to come into work to accept it.  After that, I drove up to another John Deere dealer in Kings, Illinois, and delivered the remaining tractor.  My next load was in Davenport, IA.  Went over there.  Loaded a John Deere 544P Wheel Loader that is going to Ft. Myers, Florida, and a John Deere 35G Mini Excavator that is going to West Palm Beach, Florida.

Left there and drove to the Daily terminal in Morton, Illinois for the night.  Drove 610 miles today.  Set up my TV and good 'ole DishNetwork receiver took a dump!!  This is the second time this has happened.  

 Last time they had to send me a new receiver.  I called Dish and they wouldn't do anything until that screen is there for at least four hours.  I hung up on them.  I am too tired to deal with their idiocy tonight.

Wednesday, April 20, 2022

Wednesday, April 20, 2022

 Left the TA real early this morning.  Just west of Baltimore my trailer developed an air leak.  I stopped at the rest area and checked it out.  Determined that I could continue on.  Instead of continuing west I went north instead and drove to the Daily yard in Carlisle, PA.  Got to the shop just before everyone came in.  When they got there they fixed my trailer right away and I was back on the road.  The rest of the day was uneventful.  Drove 598 miles today.  Stopped at the Petro truck stop in New Paris, Ohio for the night.

Tuesday, April 19, 2022

Tuesday, April 19, 2022

 My new paperwork didn't come in until about 11:30, their lunchtime.  I got fuel then drove over to the Port, picked up my trailer, and waited for them to come back from lunch at 1.  I was first in line when they came back.  Got checked in then waited another hour for them to tell me where to unload it.  I finally got it off my trailer.  Then went to another place in the Port to pick up my next load.  Checked in then went looking for my tractors, I was getting two.  I found the first one and brought it over to my truck.  Then went looking for the other one.  Couldn't find it so I got in the first tractor and drove around the Port looking for it.  Found it.  Took it over to my truck then went back and got the first tractor again.  Loaded them on my trailer. One is going to Williamsport, Indiana, and the other to Kings, Illinois.

It was pretty late by now so I went back to the TA for the night.

Monday, April 18, 2022

Monday, April 18, 2022

 I went to leave this morning and found that the electric cable to my trailer came loose and it got pulled out of the plug.  So I had no trailer lights.  

I sent an email to our shop then went back to bed.  When they came in they sent someone from Carlisle down to fix it.  Two hours later he got there and fixed it.  I drove to the Port of Baltimore.  When I got there I still didn't have the paperwork that I had been asking for for four days.  I had to wait some more.  It finally came in and was incomplete.  SO I had to wait more.  When the correct paperwork came in it was ten minutes after the Port guys had gone to lunch.  Union shop, they lunch from 11:30 to 1 PM.  Now I had to wait until 1 PM for them to come back from lunch.  Once they got back from lunch, I was 9th in line to get checked in.  Half an hour later I got checked in.  Then they told me that the ship has left already.  I have to start over again with other paperwork.  I waited another 2 1/2 hours for the correct paperwork but it didn't come in.  I dropped my trailer there and bobtailed over to the TA truck stop for the night.  Will try again tomorrow.