Monday, April 18, 2022

Monday, April 18, 2022

 I went to leave this morning and found that the electric cable to my trailer came loose and it got pulled out of the plug.  So I had no trailer lights.  

I sent an email to our shop then went back to bed.  When they came in they sent someone from Carlisle down to fix it.  Two hours later he got there and fixed it.  I drove to the Port of Baltimore.  When I got there I still didn't have the paperwork that I had been asking for for four days.  I had to wait some more.  It finally came in and was incomplete.  SO I had to wait more.  When the correct paperwork came in it was ten minutes after the Port guys had gone to lunch.  Union shop, they lunch from 11:30 to 1 PM.  Now I had to wait until 1 PM for them to come back from lunch.  Once they got back from lunch, I was 9th in line to get checked in.  Half an hour later I got checked in.  Then they told me that the ship has left already.  I have to start over again with other paperwork.  I waited another 2 1/2 hours for the correct paperwork but it didn't come in.  I dropped my trailer there and bobtailed over to the TA truck stop for the night.  Will try again tomorrow.

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