Saturday, November 30, 2019

Saturday, November 30, 2019

The weather did get worse overnight.  This morning it was a little foggy and raining.  It got real windy too.  Waited a little for the fog to lift.  When it did I left.  It didn't take long for the wind to wreck havoc with that stupid tarp.  Before long I had a nice balloon back there that was flapping like a flag.  Wasn't a thing I could do about it.  I had used up all my bungee cords and it was impossible to throw another strap over it in the wind.  So I kept going.  Somewhere along the road today I lost a very expensive flag that fell off when a bolt loosened up on it's own.  I stopped for the rest of the day at the TA truck stop in Albert Lea, Minnesota.  It was cold and still raining but at least the wind had died down.  I started off by replacing the bracket that fell off with a spare that I had.  Of course, the way things were going today, the spare didn't fit.  Then it was time to try to do something with that stupid tarp.  When it ballooned up and started flapping it flung off about 1/4 of the bungee cords and tore off the "D" rings.  Then the ends of the tarp shredded.  Big mess.  I threw another strap over it all and tried my best to secure it.  That makes 5 straps I have on the damn thing trying to hold down the tarp.   I still have a long way to go too.  I am routed all over the place.  Not a straight shot to delivery.  It about doubles my mileage to get there from here.

Minnesota Route
South Dakota Route
Now I can try to relax and get over this cold or flu bug that I have.  Last weekend of regular season college football.  Rivalry Weekend !! 

Friday, November 29, 2019

Friday, November 29, 2019

Left at sunrise this morning.  Nice day driving under a heavy overcast sky.  Traffic was very light too.  Wish I could shake this cold or flu or whatever I've got.  Stopped a little early to get some rest at the Iowa 80 truck stop in Walcott, Iowa.  Weather is supposed to deteriorate tonight into tomorrow.

Thursday, November 28, 2019

Wednesday, November 27, 2019

Wednesday, November 27, 2019

Left before sunrise this morning.  Met my Kentucky escort car at the Tennessee / Kentucky state line.  He fell in behind me and we continued on.  When we entered into Illinois he dropped off as I continued on.  Had to stop before noon today because of the Thanksgiving holiday travel restrictions.  I stopped at the TA truck stop in Mt. Vernon, Illinois.  Will be here until Friday morning.

Tuesday, November 26, 2019

Tuesday, November 26, 2019

After a full nights sleep my back felt a lot better, although not great.  I'm also getting the flu, it seems.  Going through facial tissue like crazy!!  I'm also eating Cold Eeze like candy to try to keep it from getting a good foothold on me.  Hope it works.  Left the Oasis a half hour before sunrise this morning with my escort car close behind.  When I crossed into Mississippi he dropped off as I continued on.  Stopped for the night at a crappy little Exon station in Friendship, Tennessee.  It is a convenience store with some truck parking.  The inside was disgusting!!  Fortunately there is a Dollar store right next to it.  I went there and bought stuff for dinner.  I'll get started early tomorrow morning.  I have another escort car meeting me at the Kentucky line.   Oh, by the way, here is a photo of the hub I have.

Going to sleep early again.  Sure hope I feel better tomorrow.  Good night.

Monday, November 25, 2019

Monday, November 25, 2019

Was at the GE plant in Pensacola early this morning. Didn't get loaded right away.  There were over 15 trucks there.  Finally got loaded with a wind energy hub that is going to South Dakota.  Tarped it and sent in my photos.  The tarp I used was not big enough for our people, even though every other truck in there used a tarp that was 1/10 the size of the one I used.  Had to take the tarp off and put on a bigger on to make everyone happy (except me, but I don't count). By the time I finished I could hardly move.  My back is in so much pain.  My escort car arrived and we left.   Didn't go very far.  Stopped for the night at the Oasis truck stop in Robertsdale, Alabama.  Had a long hot shower.  That helped, but not much.  Staying in bed the rest of the night.  Sure hope I feel better in the morning.  Back pain really sucks!!