Tuesday, November 11, 2014

Tuesday, November 11, 2014

I left Jacksonville at 1:30 this morning and drove down to West Palm Beach and delivered the skid steer.  Turned right around and drove back to the Daily yard in Jacksonville.  Will be here for the rest of the week.  Going to have some work done on the truck and trailer.  Ordered the parts yesterday.  They will be in tomorrow. Just parts $750.  And I got a deal on them, normally over $900.

Monday, November 10, 2014

Monday, November 10, 2014

Had to wait for paperwork so I could deliver this morning.  It finally arrived and I went to deliver.  Found out after I got there that it was the wrong paperwork.  So I waited some more.  When it got there I was able to unload.  After unloading I had a bunch of trailer problems getting hooked back up.  That took another hour and a half.  Still had to wait for someone to show up and sign off on the paperwork.  Of course, they were all at lunch.  Had to wait some more.  A little while after they were supposed to be back from lunch someone showed up and signed off on the paperwork.  Left there and drove straight to the Daily yard in Jacksonville for the night.  Total waste of a day!!