Friday, May 11, 2018

Friday, May 11, 2018

Went in to the Port of Jacksonville on Blount Island this morning and delivered the dump truck.  Then went over to the Daily yard and dropped my trailer there.  Then I went to the tire shop and got two new front tires.  After that went back to the yard and parked the truck.  Then got in my pick up truck and ran a bunch of errands.  My next load is Monday up in Savannah, GA.  I'll be here until Sunday.

Thursday, May 10, 2018

Thursday, May 10, 2018

Hit the road a half hour after sunrise.  Lots of bumper to bumper traffic getting to Atlanta.  Once I got the the beltway traffic got back up to speed again. Just south of Atlanta on I-75 passed a bad crash. Fortunately it was on the other side.  The Interstate was shut down.  Before I got to it 3 ambulances went by heading to the hospital.  All with lights and siren on.  There was stuff scattered all over the highway from the SUV that rolled over multiple times landing upright in the grass off the road. There was another car with damage next to the median guard rail.   There was about six fire trucks, a dozen cops, a roll back wrecker, and lots of people watching.  Glad it was on the other side.  Our side was backed up from all the rubber necking.  The other side was at a stand still for four miles.  Farther down the interstate they had closed the interstate and were diverting traffic off at the exit.  That back up was two miles.  So glad I was going the other way.  Other than that, the rest of the day was uneventful.  Stopped for the night at the Pilot truck stop in Kingsland, Georgia. My Florida pilot escort car will meet me here in the morning.

Just found out more info on the crash I passed.  9 people ejected during the roll over.  7 were kids.  One fatality. 

Wednesday, May 9, 2018

Wednesday, May 9, 2018

Left this morning a half hour before sunrise.  My pilot escort car was waiting for me at the Illinois / Kentucky state line and fell in behind me as I passed by him.  Good day on the road. This is what I see when I look in the mirror.

Had a small amount of bumper to bumper traffic in Nashville, Tennessee.  When I got to the Tennessee / Georgia state line my escort car dropped off.  I don't need one in Georgia.  I continued on to the TA truck stop in Cartersville, Georgia for the night.

Tuesday, May 8, 2018

Tuesday, May 8, 2018

My next load was in Decatur, Illinois.  Yesterday I drove down there to the Pilot truck stop.  This morning I was at Caterpillar first thing.  Unfortunately it took forever for them to load me. When they did, I got a Caterpillar 772G dump truck that is going on an ocean cruise from the Port of Jacksonville, Florida. I weigh over 130,000 pounds.

Left there and drove to the TA truck stop in Mt. Vernon, Illinois for the night.  Tomorrow I'll meet my pilot escort car at the Illinois / Kentucky state line.  He will be with me until I get to Georgia.