Saturday, January 19, 2019

Saturday, January 19, 2019

This morning I finished securing the machine to the trailer.  When I hooked up to the trailer I broke the "landing gear" on the jeep.  They will have to fix it Monday. 

Tonight is Daily's Safety Banquet at the Radisson Hotel in Camp Hill, Pennsylvania.

They put on a nice spread with food, band, and lots of door prises.  They also pay for the hotel room.  I went over to there.  Had to be there before noon.  Very bad weather is coming this afternoon.  The state of Pennsylvania put in effect at noon a ban on all commercial traffic on the Interstate highways until noon tomorrow.  Supposed to get snow, changing to rain, then freezing rain, then back to snow again before this is all over.  Going to be a real mess!!  I checked in to the hotel.  Nice room.  Then took a shower and a nap.

Went to the banquet.  Sat with some friends and had a very good time.  The food was good, the speeches were (as always) too long, and the door prizes were good.  We all had a back pack on our seats.

For my years of safe driving was given a vest and a couple trinkets.

And for the door prize, I won a rechargable LED work light with magnetic base.

As soon as the door prizes were finished and the band started, I went back to my room. I don't like the "smooze fest" that goes on afterward so I get the heck out.  Besides, Don't want to be around that many people.    So far, about three inches of snow on the ground.

Friday, January 18, 2019

Friday, January 18, 2019

As soon as my 10 hours was up I left.  Fog and slight rain until after the sun came up.  After a while it cleared up and was beautiful.  That didn't last very long because the clouds rolled back in.  Nothing fell from the sky though.  That was a good thing.  Got back to Carlisle at 2 pm.  550 miles today.  Then had to take  the jeep off the trailer that I brought back because I needed to use it.  Got that done.  Then it was time to put together my trailer so that I can load.  Fortunately I had a lot of help.  Got that trailer all put together then loaded a Sandvik Crusher.  It was already at the Daily yard in Carlisle, PA waiting for me.  All we did was load it.  I'll secure it tomorrow morning.  Here is what it looks like tonight.  I'm a "46 wheeler"!!

I'll have better photos tomorrow.  Right now I'm exhausted!!!!!!  Going to bed now.  Good night.

Thursday, January 17, 2019

Thursday, January 17, 2019

Instead of sitting all weekend I drove down to the Petro in Knoxville, Tennessee.  Another driver's truck broke down and I went and picked up his trailer - empty - and will be bringing it back to Carlisle, PA tomorrow.  On the way down, at about the half way point, it started to snow.  By the time I got to Tennessee it had changed over to rain.

Wednesday, January 16, 2019

Wednesday, January 16, 2019

I unloaded all my stuff out of my trailer and piled it all on my truck.  I will not be getting that trailer back.  It needs a lot of work.  They finally took it in to the shop this afternoon, after I cleared my stuff out of it. I will be here all weekend now.  The weater is going to get real bad here starting tomorrow night.  Also Daily's annual banquet is Saturday night so I will go to that. 

Tuesday, January 15, 2019

Tuesday, January 15, 2019

Well here I sit.  They still have not started working on my trailer.  I'm getting very frustrated!!!