Thursday, March 14, 2024

Thursday, March 14, 2024

 I left a half hour before sunrise this morning and drove the rest of the way to Plant City.  Delivered the chassis.  Then I drove up to the Daily terminal in Jacksonville.  Will be here for a few days.  Have some things to take care of here.

Wednesday, March 13, 2024

Wednesday, March 13, 2024

 Left this morning and had a good day on the road.  Traffic didn't get real heavy until I got to Florida.  Ever wonder what those sensors at the weigh station are for?  Well here is what the Florida weigh stations can get from them.  I blurred out my tag and DOT number.  All this is collected by the sensors and the plates in the road that we drive over.  They have all this by the time we pull up on the scale.

Stopped for the night at the Love's truck stop in Bushnell, Florida.  Tired tonight.  Going to sleep early tonight.

Tuesday, March 12, 2024

Tuesday, March 12, 2024

 After dropping off the little roller it put a lot more weight on the back of the trailer.  That made the whole truck ride a bit "squirrely".  Have to drive a lot more carefully.  The back end could come around a lot easier than normal. I could have moved the roller, but I was lazy!!  I left Breezewood at midnight.  That makes going through Washington DC and Fredericksburg, VA a lot easier!!  No traffic problems.  Arrived at Washington, North Carolina just before they opened.  Unloaded the remaining roller.  My next load was a couple hours away in Hampstead, NC.  I drove there to a job site and loaded the chassis of a John Deere 300 Articulating Dump Truck that is going to Plant City, Florida.

Left there and drove to the Love's truck stop in Dillon, South Carolina for the night.  649 miles today.  I got here with about 8 minutes left on my 11-hour clock.  Not too shabby!!!

Monday, March 11, 2024

Monday, March 11, 2024

 The snow we were supposed to get didn't come.  That was a very good thing!!  I drove to Tonawanda, NY this morning and was there before they opened.  Delivered the little roller.  Then headed toward Washington, North Carolina.  I stopped a little early today because I didn't sleep well last night and was very tired.  Also had a headache.  Good night!