Saturday, November 7, 2020

Saturday, November 7, 2020

 Left this morning a half-hour before sunrise in a thunderstorm.  Fortunately, it didn't last too long. After a while it cleared up and ended up being a beautiful day.  Another good day on the road.  All along I-10 in Mississippi and I-12 in Louisianna there is still a lot of damage visible from the hurricanes this year.  But it was worst in the Lake Charles area.  Lots of severe damage to the area.  "Blue roofs" are everywhere. Trees snapped in half, debris all over the place, lots of structural damage to homes and businesses.  It wasn't as bad as the damage from Hurricane Andrew in the Miami area, but this was still bad.  I stopped for the night at the Flying J truck stop in Baytown, Texas.  Tomorrow will be a short day.

Friday, November 6, 2020

Friday, November 6, 2020

 Left the Jacksonville yard at 3 am and drove to Thomasville, Georgia.  Gott here a bit early and had to wait for them to open.  Once they opened they loaded a Cleaver-Brooks boiler that is going to Corpus Christi, Texas.  

Had to wait about a half-hour for my permits to come in. Then I left.  Drove to the Flying J truck stop in Gulf Port, Mississippi.  This area is still cleaning up after the hurricane.  There are a lot of signs along I-10 that are still blown over.  There was a section of I-10 that was closed to one lane while they were clearing a lot of downed trees. This truck stop is getting its roof replaced.  All the eves around the building are gone too.  Very tired again tonight.  Going to sleep now.  See ya!!!!

FYI... My Blog readers from the past 7 days.  

Thursday, November 5, 2020

Thursday, November 5, 2020

 Left a half-hour after sunrise this morning.  Had several areas of bumper to bumper traffic in the Atlanta area.  Had to wait for about a half-hour for my Florida pilot escort car before entering Florida.  I made good use of the time and got fuel.  When he arrived we continued on to the Port of Jacksonville.  I delivered the chassis.  My trailer had some serious repair issues that needed attention so I went to the Daily yard.  I ended up swapping out of my trailer to another one.  Have a load tomorrow in Thomasville, Georgia.  Will leave real early in the morning.  I'm exhausted!!!!!   Good night.

Wednesday, November 4, 2020

Wednesday, November 4, 2020

Left a half-hour before sunrise this morning.  Had to have an escort car in Kentucky, and two for the first detour just because I am 12 feet, 6 inches wide. Met both at the state line.  After we finished the first detour, which was very short, One of the cars dropped off and the two of us continued on.  Once we passed into Tennessee the other escort car dropped off and I continued on "flying solo".  

On the north side of Nashville, on the Briley Parkway, right at I-65 a semi dump truck crashed spilling his full load of dirt all over the place.  He ended up laying on its side blocking the entire road.  Fortunately for me, it happened on the other side and didn't affect me.

In Georgia, I passed a Swift truck in its natural habitat, crashed off the road.

Stopped at the TA truck stop in Cartersville, Georgia for the night.

Tuesday, November 3, 2020

Tuesday, November 3, 2020

 Left real early this morning and drove to Decatur.  Was first in line except my dispatcher didn't send me the right paperwork. Had to wait till he came to work for him to send it to me.  So instead of being first, I was 7th.  About five and a half hours later they loaded a Caterpillar 789D Dump Truck Chassis on my trailer.  It is going to the port in Jacksonville, Florida.  It will eventually end up in Mumbai, India.

After securing it and scaling, I left.  Drove to the TA truck stop in Mt. Vernon, Illinois for the night.  This is what the truck looks like when it is all put together.

Monday, November 2, 2020

Monday, November 2, 2020

 Nothing all day.  Then late this afternoon I got my next load.  Loads tomorrow in Decatur, Illinois.  I'll go over there in the morning.