Friday, September 1, 2023

Friday, September 1, 2023

 Not a very good way to start off the football season.  Florida was not good at all.  My hopes of a good year have pretty much disappeared. 

I wasn't able to get any sleep so I decided to go get on the road.  I left Carlisle at 9:30 last night.  No traffic problems at all.  Stopped at South of the Border in South Carolina because I got too sleepy to continue.  After my 10 hours were up I drove the rest of the way to Jacksonville, FL.  I deliver on Tuesday morning.

Thursday, August 31, 2023

Thursday, August 31, 2023

 This morning we went to Harrisburg, PA, and picked up my truck from the International dealer's Body Shop and brought it back to Carlisle.  Our shop still had a few things to do with it.  While they did their thing, I took the shop truck and went back to the Volvo plant in Shippensburg and loaded a Volvo L70H Wheel Loader, and brought it back to the Daily yard.  

After unloading it I went back to Shippensburg and loaded what is my next load, a Volvo L60H Wheel Loader that is going to Jacksonville, Florida.

I brought it back to the Daily yard.  When I got there I dropped the trailer and put the shop truck away. I then hooked my truck up to my trailer.  While doing my pre-trip inspection I found a leaking load leveling valve on the trailer.  I took it to the shop and they replaced it.  I got in my rental car and went back to the hotel.  Going to get some sleep and then head out in the middle of the night.

Wednesday, August 30, 2023

Wednesday, August 30, 2023

 This morning I used the "shop" truck and my new (to me) trailer and drove to the Volvo plant in Shippensburg, PA.  Loaded a Volvo L90H Wheel Loader.  Took it back to the Daily Yard in Carlisle.  

After unloading it I went back for another one.  This time it was a little smaller.  A Volvo L60H Wheel Loader.  Took it to Carlisle.

After unloading it I dropped my trailer in the yard, parked the truck back in the warehouse, and went back to my hotel room. Haven't heard anything about my truck yet.  It sure did feel good to be doing something!!!!!

Tuesday, August 29, 2023