Friday, July 4, 2014

Friday, July 4, 2014

Left this morning shortly after sunrise.  The day started of nicely.  Here is a gorgeous view of western North Dakota.  Unfortunately, the photo does not do it justice.

Here is one of the many new oil drilling rigs that are all over North Dakota.  See all the environmental damage that it is causing?  Dead vegetation, oil flowing all over the ground, pollution, etc.??  Idiot environmentalists!!

About 100 miles from Fargo is when things went bad.  The North Dakota wind got hold of my tarps and shredded them.  They beat the hell out of the load.  I had to stop and remove them.  

To make a very long story short, here is what it looks like now.

Talked to the broker and sent him photos.  He told me that I'm not the only one that had problems. I'm sure there will be more about this later.  Not makin' any money on this load!!   I'm at the Petro truck stop in Fargo, North Dakota until Monday.

Thursday, July 3, 2014

Thursday, July 3, 2014

Left Missoula this morning and pushed it hard to get through Montana today.  It was important because I can drive in North Dakota on the holiday if I am under 12 feet wide.  I am 10 feet, 11 inches wide and 14 feet tall.

Went through Clinton, Montana.  There is a festival there that is so unbelievably appropriate!!  Sorry about the blurry photo.  I wonder if Bill attends?

Stopped just inside North Dakota at the Flying J truck stop for the night.  638 miles today.

Wednesday, July 2, 2014

Went in to Seattle this morning and loaded a large crate full of stuff going to Chrysler in Kokomo, Indiana.  That was the easy part.  

Then it had to be tarped!  Check out these corners and edges.  Do you know what they do to tarps?

Once that was finally finished I got on the road.  Drove a total of 519 miles to the TA truck stop in Missoula, Montana.  Maybe now you will understand why I was tired.

Tuesday, July 1, 2014

Tuesday, July 1, 2014

Another wasted day!!  I load tomorrow in Seattle.

Monday, June 30, 2014

Monday, June 30, 2014

Just as I feared, nothing.  Stuck here for another day.