Friday, June 12, 2015

Friday, June 12, 2015

Left the truck stop at sunrise this morning and drove to Clifton, NJ to the delivery site.  It is in the parking lot of a NJ Transit Park n' Ride at the corner of the Garden State Parkway and Route 3.  We are about 20 miles from the Lincoln Tunnel.  Nothing is easy in this part of the country.  When I arrived the crane and everyone was there.  Half the parking lot was taped off for us.  Apparently this ruffled a lot of feathers.  Someone called New Jersey Transit, they came out and they called the State Police.  The cop wanted the permits for all of this.  They were not on site.  After they made a zillion phone calls someone brought the permits.  All was legal BUT they did not call 24 hours ahead so no work could be done.  Well, more people came out and more phone calls were made and FINALLY they got approval to do the work.  It went all the way to the number two guy in the State Police.  GOOD GRIEF!!!!  In the time it took to do all this stupidity we could have been done and outa' there!!!  Just one more reason why I hate this part of the country!!!!

Here is the parking lot.  Directly behind the crane is The Garden State Parkway.  The road next to me is Route 3.

Here is the way in and out.

They finally unloaded me. They had to "fly" it over a power line to set it on its pad.

Left there and drove back to the TA in Columbia, NJ and had another flat tire on the trailer fixed.  Then drove down to Carlisle, PA to the "home office".  Thought I'd never get here!!  TONS of bumper to bumper traffic for a lot of the trip. Then rain during rush hour from about Harrisburg all the way to Carlisle.  That made the idiots worse!!  So glad to be here.  Very frustrating day!!  Going to have the trailer serviced while I'm here and have some work done on the trucks too.

Thursday, June 11, 2015

Thursday, June 11, 2015

Didn't get much sleep last night.  Don't know why, just couldn't seem to fall asleep.  When I finally did I got about 3 hours.  Got started this morning at sunrise. Didn't get too far before I got stuck in some bumper to bumper traffic from a wreck. It was almost cleaned up when I passed it. Have no idea what happened but I snapped off a quick picture as I went by.

Drove to the TA truck stop in Columbia, New Jersey for the night.  Deliver tomorrow morning.

Wednesday, June 10, 2015

Wednesday, June 10, 2015

Left at sunrise this morning.  Nice easy day on the road.  Nothing at all interesting.  Drove 578 miles and stopped for the night at the north bound rest area on I-81 in Ellison, Virginia.

Tuesday, June 9, 2015

Tuesday, June 9, 2015

Went back over there first thing this morning and hooked back up to my trailer.  It wouldn't be a loading day if it didn't rain.  Thunderstorm!!  Fortunately it didn't last long.  My building arrived and they took it off the other trailer and put it on mine.  It is going to Caldwell, NJ.  

Because of the flooding I had to get a new permit with a new route on it.  Had to go all the way around Shreveport to get about 5 miles from where I loaded.  Took an hour and a half.  Had quite a bit of bumper to bumper traffic going around Memphis, TN.  About 40 miles from where I planned on stopping for the night another driver told me, on the radio, that I had a flat trailer tire.  At the next exit I stopped and checked it out.  Sure enough, he was right.  Left front trailer tire was flat.  I continued on to the TA truck stop in Denmark, TN.  Had it repaired there and stayed for the night.  It is really crowded in here.  Hope no one hits my truck!!

Monday, June 8, 2015

Monday, June 8, 2015

My loading appointment was not until 1 pm local time but I went over a bit early.  On the way went over  the Red River on I-220 in Bossier City, LA.  Here is a picture I was able to snap off going past a submerged mobile home park.

Here is a view going over the bridge leading up to the Red River.

Below is an edited video of driving on I-220 east bound. At the very beginning of the video notice the crane off to the right.  It is half under water.

When I got to where I was to load I was told that the building that I was supposed to get left about two hours ago.  Once again, that "black cloud" is still there.  After a few phone calls and waiting a couple hours They decided that the other truck that had my building shouldn't have it so they called him and sent him back. I'm very glad I went over early!!!  

At 3 pm local time they said that he was still too far out to unload and reload today.  I dropped my trailer there and went to a small truck stop a couple miles away for the night.