Saturday, August 26, 2023

Saturday, August 26, 2023

 I took a little trip over to Gettysburg, the Civil War Battlefield.  

There is so much to see here that I could spend a week just reading and seeing all the monuments.  

The view across the battlefield from the above monument.  Union was to the left, Confederate was to the right.

This monument was built by the same man who built Mt. Rushmore, Gutzon Borglum.

This is the view from the Confederate side looking across the battlefield toward the Union side.

Here is the other side of the battlefield.  This is the Union side view looking toward the Confederate side.

These photos are from Cemetary Hill, the site where President Abraham Lincoln delivered The Gettysburg Address.

Soldiers' National Monument - the actual site of The Gettysburg Address.

There, that is a brief glimpse of Gettysburg.  If you ever get here it is an amazing place.  So much American history.  I took the two-hour bus tour.  Well worth the price.  You won't be disappointed.  

Thursday, August 24, 2023

Thursday, August 24, 2023

I checked out of my hotel this morning because they were full until Monday because of a hugely popular Corvette show that was in town at the Carlisle Event Center this weekend.   My truck was finished at Thermo King and we brought it back to Daily.  Then it went up to International in Harrisburg to get the bodywork repaired.  The photo below shows what needs to be repaired. 

Meanwhile, I trained a newbie on how to work an RGN trailer then went down the road a few miles and trained him on proper load securment.  He was a good student.  But that took all day.  When that was done drove about 20 miles south to my next hotel where I'll be until Monday.

Wednesday, August 23, 2023

Wednesday, August 23, 2023

 Yesterday the parts came in for my truck so they were supposed to work on it today. Don't know if they did.  Yesterday I had the trailer shop add 10 "D" rings and some other stuff to the trailer that I'm getting.  Today I moved all my stuff over to it. That is a lot of work.  I have a lot of heavy stuff!!! But I'm ready to go when I get the truck back.  Tomorrow I will be teaching a newbie how to use an RGN trailer.  Then going down the street to teach him to properly secure his load.  Glad to be doing something!!!  This sitting is driving me crazy!!!!!