Saturday, July 31, 2021

Saturday, July 31, 2021

 Left Scranton, PA at about 4:30 AM and drove into Bridgeport, NJ.  Timed it perfectly.  Got unloaded real quick. Then drove up to Carlisle via Baltimore for my next load.  Went to the "home office" in Carlisle and loaded a Volvo L90H Wheel Loader that is going down to Carmine, Texas.  

Was out of there by 11:30 AM.  Drove to the Petro truck stop in Raphine, Virginia for the night. 511 miles today.  Not too shabby!!  But I'm tired.  The phone is off.  Good night.

Friday, July 30, 2021

Friday, July 30, 2021

 Went the rest of the way into Honesdale, PA this morning.  Got there around 7 AM. Found out that the rail car had to be disassembled this morning. It is going to a place in New Jersey just outside Philadelphia to be overhauled and refurbished.  I was transporting the car's wheel assemblies.  Another Daily driver was transporting the car.  

I made a short video of some of the preparations for transport of the rail car.

Here is my load.

I left there around 2 PM and went to the Petro truck stop in Scranton, PA for the night.  

Thursday, July 29, 2021

Thursday, July 29, 2021

 Left this morning in the rain. Rained off and on most of the day.  Drove up through Pennsylvania and met my pole car at the PA / NY state line on I-86.  Uneventful day along I-86.  But then we went north on two-lane back roads the rest of the way up through the finger lake region of upstate New York.  Went over the Erie Canal.  If you want to look it up, that is Lock 25 on the canal.

I had an excellent pole car driver.  There were several dozen low power lines that I had to zig-zag around as well as an untold number of low tree branches.  But here was the tightest spot on the trip.  A bridge over the Seneca River.  I was 14 feet, 6 inches tall, and 10 feet wide.

I squeezed under that with, and I'm not kidding, one-inch verticle clearance between the tractor and the bridge.  Then it was on to deliver the tractor.  My next load is back in Honesdale, Pennsylvania. I started off in that direction.  Stopped for the night at the TA truck stop in Binghamton, New York.  

Wednesday, July 28, 2021

Wednesday, July 28, 2021

 Left a half-hour before sunrise this morning. Made it around Indy with no problems.  With all the construction going on there and I-70 east of Indy, that is quite an accomplishment.  Stopped a bit early today because of the lack of parking availability ahead of me.  Stopped at the Petro truck stop in Girard, Ohio. Tomorrow I'll get a pole car when I get to New York.

Tuesday, July 27, 2021

Tuesday, July 27, 2021

 Good day on the road.  Nothing exciting, and that's a good thing!!  Stopped for the night at the Love's truck stop in Pittsboro, Indiana

Monday, July 26, 2021

Monday, July 26, 2021

 They were able to get the replacement slack adjusters very quickly this morning.  Didn't take long to install them.  

They were done before my permits came in.  Once they came in I was back on the road.  Had no traffic problems going around the "Twin Cities".  Continued to the Petro truck stop in Albert Lea, Minnesota.

Sunday, July 25, 2021

Sunday, July 25, 2021

 Friday Carlisle told me that my trailer was due for an inspection.  Tried to get it done Friday but the shop here at the Petro said that they didn't have anyone available to do it until Sunday morning.  

This morning I was at the shop when they were supposed to open at 8 AM local time.  They didn't get there until 8:15.  They eventually brought the truck in to do the inspection.  The trailer failed.  They said it needed 2 slack adjusters for the brakes. They took one off because the only place to get parts that was open today needed to see one to see if they had any in stock.  So they took it over there and, of course, they didn't have them.  Now I have to wait until Monday sometime for them to be located someplace else.