Thursday, July 29, 2021

Thursday, July 29, 2021

 Left this morning in the rain. Rained off and on most of the day.  Drove up through Pennsylvania and met my pole car at the PA / NY state line on I-86.  Uneventful day along I-86.  But then we went north on two-lane back roads the rest of the way up through the finger lake region of upstate New York.  Went over the Erie Canal.  If you want to look it up, that is Lock 25 on the canal.

I had an excellent pole car driver.  There were several dozen low power lines that I had to zig-zag around as well as an untold number of low tree branches.  But here was the tightest spot on the trip.  A bridge over the Seneca River.  I was 14 feet, 6 inches tall, and 10 feet wide.

I squeezed under that with, and I'm not kidding, one-inch verticle clearance between the tractor and the bridge.  Then it was on to deliver the tractor.  My next load is back in Honesdale, Pennsylvania. I started off in that direction.  Stopped for the night at the TA truck stop in Binghamton, New York.  

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