Wednesday, June 22, 2011

Wednesday, June 22, 2011

Left Mariana this morning and drove in to Jacksonville.  Delivered the transformers first thing.  After that drove home and dropped off the truck at the mechanic. 

Tuesday, June 21, 2011

Tuesday, June 21, 2011

Today didn't start off very well. Once again the truck wouldn't start.  To make a long story short, I got a very late start this morning.  Rained on and off from Texas all the way through Louisiana.  Other than that, pretty uneventful day on the road.  Stopped for the night in Lee, Florida.  I-10 exit 258 at a truck stop.  Will idle the truck all night. Not gonna shut it off this time!  Deliver tomorrow in Jacksonville and then head back home for the mechanic to fix this thing.

Monday, June 20, 2011

Monday, June 20, 2011

Drove into Midlothian, TX and delivered the racking to a Quick Trip Distribution Center that is being built there.  After that I went over to Nacogdoches, TX and picked up 54 transformers that are going to Jacksonville.  It was 104 degrees here and windy!  HOT, HOT, HOT!!!!

After I left there and had been on the road a while I passed one of Texas's many brush fires.  Apparently this one had just gotten started.  Passed a lot of fire trucks responding to it.  State Forestry was already there and the helicopter was flying around with the water bucket hanging under it.  They were using the road I was on for a landing area to refuel.  Fortunately it was flying when I went through.

Stopped for the night at the Petro truck stop in Beaumont, Texas.