Monday, December 23, 2013

Monday, December 23, 2013

Left Hagerstown just after sunrise and drove in to the Port of Baltimore and delivered the wheel loader in the pouring rain.  As I was putting the trailer back together I saw that I had a flat tire on the trailer.  

Left there and went to the Baltimore TA to get a new tire.  There were 5 trucks ahead of me.  I didn't wait.  Left there and headed south.  Got stuck in bumper to bumper traffic south of Washington DC.  Took an hour and a half to go 40 miles.  Stopped at the TA in Ashland, VA to get fuel.  Their shop was empty so I had the tire replaced there.  

Inside the tire.  You can see the slice in the tire.  The culprit is that piece of metal laying there.

Finally got that done and got back on the road.  It rained almost all day.  Stopped raining just before I stopped for the night at a rest area on I-95 in Shiloh, SC.