Saturday, May 4, 2019

Saturday, May 4, 2019

Took the truck to Kenworth to get some things fixed.  Got a rental car and a hotel room for the weekend.  There was some kind of street festival in Carlisle today so I went over there for a little while.  Left when my back gave out.  Tomorrow is laundry day.  Have a "boat load" of laundry to do.

Friday, May 3, 2019

Friday, May 3, 2019

Left at sunrise and drove the rest of the way up to Buffalo.  Rain off and on all day. Fortunately it was not raining when I delivered the excavator.  They were having an open house today and everyone was running around like chickens with their heads cut off.  But I finished unloading and was leaving when the guests were starting to arrive.  Drove back down to the "home office" in Carlisle, Pennsylvania.  Will be here for a bit.  Taking the truck over to Kenworth first thing tomorrow morning to get the APU fixed.  I'm very tired and my back hurts so I'm going to sleep now.  Good night.

Thursday, May 2, 2019

Thursday, May 2, 2019

Left at 3 am this morning.  My strategy to beat the traffic worked.  Drove to the Port of Baltimore in Dundalk, Maryland.  As I unhooked the air lines from the trailer one of them snapped in half.  Fortunately I was able to complete loading.  A service truck came out and fixed the air line.

While he fixed my air lines, I finished securing the Link Belt 350X Excavator that is going to Buffalo, New York.

Left there and met my Maryland pilot escort car at the Port gate.  Had a little bit of bumper to bumper traffic on the Baltimore beltway.  When I passed into Pennsylvania my escort car dropped off.  Stopped for the night at a small convenience store that had a pretty good restaurant and truck parking in Trout Run, Pennsylvania.

Wednesday, May 1, 2019

Wednesday, May 1, 2019

Left at sunrise this morning and drove the rest of the way into the Port at Portsmouth, Virginia and delivered the Dozer.  My next load is up in Baltimore, Maryland at the Port.  Started that way but stopped for the night at the TA truck stop in Ashland, Virginia.  I just didn't feel like battling the Washington DC traffic.  I'll go to sleep very early and get started very early in the morning to try to beat the madness.

Tuesday, April 30, 2019

Tuesday, April 30, 2019

Left at sunrise this morning.  Drove to I-77, exit 89 and waited there for my bridge escort and WV Bridge Monitor.  My appointment with the monitor was for 10:30.  I was way early.  My escort arrived and we waited.  Once my bridge monitor arrived we left.  Had to go across a bridge at mile marker 83 at 30 MPH and alone on the bridge.  They held back traffic as I crept across the bridge.  Once across, they opened the road up again and They dropped off as I continued on.  My Virginia permit didn't come in until I was well inside Virginia.  I stopped for the night at the Petro truck stop in Raphine, Virginia.  After my shower I went into the restaurant for dinner.  The server brought me a glass of water and a menu.  She never came back.  I waited, and waited, and waited some more.  I really hate being ignored!!!!  I got up and left.  Walked across the road to a BBQ place and had a half rack of some of the best ribs I have had in a long time!!!  They were great!!!!!  If everything goes right, I should deliver tomorrow.

Monday, April 29, 2019

Monday, April 29, 2019

My West Virginia permit didn't come in until this afternoon too late to go anywhere.  I'll leave here tomorrow morning.  Have to have a bridge monitor in about 90 miles.  He/she is scheduled for 10:30 tomorrow morning.  So, another day of sitting.  I'll leave here in the morning.  Still don't have a Virginia permit. Hope it comes in tomorrow morning.