Tuesday, April 30, 2019

Tuesday, April 30, 2019

Left at sunrise this morning.  Drove to I-77, exit 89 and waited there for my bridge escort and WV Bridge Monitor.  My appointment with the monitor was for 10:30.  I was way early.  My escort arrived and we waited.  Once my bridge monitor arrived we left.  Had to go across a bridge at mile marker 83 at 30 MPH and alone on the bridge.  They held back traffic as I crept across the bridge.  Once across, they opened the road up again and They dropped off as I continued on.  My Virginia permit didn't come in until I was well inside Virginia.  I stopped for the night at the Petro truck stop in Raphine, Virginia.  After my shower I went into the restaurant for dinner.  The server brought me a glass of water and a menu.  She never came back.  I waited, and waited, and waited some more.  I really hate being ignored!!!!  I got up and left.  Walked across the road to a BBQ place and had a half rack of some of the best ribs I have had in a long time!!!  They were great!!!!!  If everything goes right, I should deliver tomorrow.

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