Saturday, October 26, 2019

Saturday, October 26, 2019

Left a half hour before sunrise this morning.  Beautiful North Dakota sunrise today.  Sorry, no pictures of it.  Nice uneventful day on the road.  No problems going around the Twin Cities.  Stopped for the night at the TA truck stop in Hudson, Wisconsin.  Now it's time for some SEC football.  Gators are off this week getting ready for Georgia next week.

Friday, October 25, 2019

Friday, October 25, 2019

Can you believe it is only 2 months until Christmas?  Holy cow!!! Where does the time go?  Wow, it goes by fast!!

Left this morning a half hour before sunrise.  Very nice day on the road.  Here is another picture of my view today.

Look!!   There really is a home on the range!!!

In North Dakota I passed a bunch of oil wells.  Sorry about the bugs on the windshield.

Oh no!!  Look at all the environmental destruction!!  The total devastation!!  Look at all the oil spilling all over,  the dead animals lying around, the cloud of air pollution, and all the dead birds dropping from the sky!!!!   Oh....wait...none of that is happening.  Hmmmm........pretty much destroys the wacko environmentalists narrative, doesn't it?

Stopped for the night just west of Bismarck, North Dakota at the Flying J truck stop in Mandan, ND.

Thursday, October 24, 2019

Thursday, October 24, 2019

Had to wait for the Spokane curfew to be over, so at 9 am PDT I left.  Yesterday I went over Snoqualmie Pass, today had three more to go over.  The first one was 4th of July Pass in Idaho on I-90.  Here is a time lapse video going up to the top and down the other side.

The next one was Lookout Pass.  That one is right at the Idaho / Montana state line on I-90.  Here is another time lapse video going up to the top and down the other side.

The third one was the highest one.  It goes across the Continental Divide.  Here is another time lapse video going up and over the divide.

Here are some still pictures from this morning too.

Stopped for the night at the Pilot truck stop in Three Forks, Montana.

Wednesday, October 23, 2019

Wednesday, October 23, 2019

I left Olympia, WA a little earlier than I had planned this morning.  Good thing I did.  Rush hour traffic was heavy going into Seattle.  Lots of bumper to bumper traffic.  I also went past my exit to the Port so I had to double back.  That was not easy!!  Finally got into the Port of Seattle and loaded a large crate.  I honestly have no idea what is inside, but it weighs 76,060 pounds.  

Got it secured and was out of there just after curfew ended.  Good timing.  It was a bit foggy this morning in Seattle.  Didn't clear until I was out of the city.  I got lucky with the weather.  It was perfect!!!  Sunny and cool.  Here are a few photos of the scenery on my way up to Snoqualmie Pass on I-90.

And here are a couple going down the other side.

Continued on the rest of the way to Spokane.  Stopped for the night at the Petro truck stop in Spokane, Washington.

Tuesday, October 22, 2019

Tuesday, October 22, 2019

This little Pilot truck stop is a busy place.  Yesterday they had a propane leak and had to evacuate the building for a little while.  They are back in it now but there are no showers or laundry.  Today they started fixing pot holes in the parking lot. 

All those trucks you see lined up are not parked.  They are waiting to get in to get fuel.  I hate Pilots !!!!  Most of them are way too small, just like this one.  Anyway, I'm all set up to load tomorrow morning.  Have my permits.  Just hoping for good weather going over Snoqualmie Pass.

Monday, October 21, 2019

Monday, October 21, 2019

Left as soon as my 10 hours was up.  Drove up to a small Pilot truck stop in Olympia, Washington.  I'm still about an hour from the port in Tacoma, but this is the closest truck stop to there.   The machine that I'm loading (I'm not really sure what it is) still has not cleared customs yet.  Plus I have to have a loading appointment.  I guess it is a crane load.  So when all that is done I'll go in and get it.  Until then I'm gonna sleep as much as I can.

Sunday, October 20, 2019

Sunday, October 20, 2019

The Gators did good yesterday!!

As soon as my reset was completed I left and continued toward Tacoma.  Was a nice drive today through the mountains of the state of Jefferson and then into Oregon.  In southern Oregon I passed a legal marijuana farm.  There are billboards all along I-5 advertising recreational pot use.  Interesting.  

The autumn color is in full bloom up here.  Unfortunately it was very overcast which made the photographs duller than they should be.  

Even saw a few rainbows.  Here is one of them.  Unfortunately, they don't photograph very well either.

Stopped for the night at the TA truck stop in Coburg, Oregon just north of Eugene.