Friday, October 25, 2019

Friday, October 25, 2019

Can you believe it is only 2 months until Christmas?  Holy cow!!! Where does the time go?  Wow, it goes by fast!!

Left this morning a half hour before sunrise.  Very nice day on the road.  Here is another picture of my view today.

Look!!   There really is a home on the range!!!

In North Dakota I passed a bunch of oil wells.  Sorry about the bugs on the windshield.

Oh no!!  Look at all the environmental destruction!!  The total devastation!!  Look at all the oil spilling all over,  the dead animals lying around, the cloud of air pollution, and all the dead birds dropping from the sky!!!!   Oh....wait...none of that is happening.  Hmmmm........pretty much destroys the wacko environmentalists narrative, doesn't it?

Stopped for the night just west of Bismarck, North Dakota at the Flying J truck stop in Mandan, ND.

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