Saturday, May 2, 2020

Saturday, May 2, 2020

Saw this truck parked at the truck stop this morning.  Now that is a real heavy haul truck!!  

Went back to get my trailer at 8 CDT.  They started loading me at 11:45.  Loaded another Wind Energy Hub that is going to Goff, Kansas.

My escort car was waiting for me as I left.  At the Kansas state line she dropped off and I continued on.  Drove to the Newell Truck Stop in Newton, Kansas.  I'm exhausted.  Those damn tarps are so hard on my back.  Hard to move.  Another night on the heating pad.  

Friday, May 1, 2020

Friday, May 1, 2020

This morning I was at the loading area at 7 am CDT.  At about 9 am I moved over to where my hub was and waited.  They were going to load a nacelle first then come over and load me.  At about 11 am they told me that the wind had increased too much to load anything and that they were going to see if it dies down enough to load after lunch.  At 2 pm CDT I got a phone call telling me that they were shut down for the remainder of the weekend.  Operations would resume Monday morning.  I dropped my trailer there and went over to the Love's truck stop in Enid for the rest of the weekend.  A little after 3 pm CDT they called me again and said that they would like me there at 10:30 tomorrow morning.  They would try to load me then.  Hope the wind dies down!!  The saga continues!

Thursday, April 30, 2020

Thursday, April 30, 2020

Met the repair guy this morning and he followed me back to where the trailer was.  I hooked up to it and he fixed it.  Here are a couple pictures to show where I unloaded yesterday.

Didn't take long and I was out of there.  Headed back to Enid, OK to pick up another hub.  Stopped for the night at a truck stop in Billings, Oklahoma.

Wednesday, April 29, 2020

Wednesday, April 29, 2020

Well today didn't go as planned.  Didn't go in to unload until noon CDT.  Had to follow a nacelle from the truck stop in to the site.  The site is way back in the middle of nowhere!!!  The road in wasn't too bad, but at the pad it was a mess!!  Once the "good" part ended they had to put down crane mats for us to drive on to get up to the crane.  Then waited for 3 hours before they started to unload me.

View of the Pad

They brought in another crane and put down crane mats for me to drive on.  I pulled up on the crane mats and the trailer bottomed out on the crane mats.  Had to be pushed to get unstuck.  Finally got unloaded.  When I backed out found that a drain valve on an air tank on the trailer got knocked off.  This caused the brakes to lock on on the front trailer axle.  

Air Tank on the Trailer

Hole Where the Drain Valve Was

Was able to get it out of the way and dropped the trailer there.  By now it is well after hours and Daily couldn't find anyone to come out because they were closed for the day.  They will try again in the morning.  I left the trailer there and went back to the truck stop, my home away from home.  

Tuesday, April 28, 2020

Tuesday, April 28, 2020

Well today wasn't the day.  He tells me that I'll be unloaded in the morning. We'll see.

Monday, April 27, 2020

Monday, April 27, 2020

The parking lot cleared out pretty good today.  I think I will get unloaded tomorrow.  Keeping my fingers crossed!!

Saturday when we had the cook out one of the other drivers had a drone up and took some photos.  Thought you would like to see a few.

Looking South

These photos were taken before it rained.

Sunday, April 26, 2020

Sunday, April 26, 2020

Yesterday evening, while they were setting up for the cook out, three blades arrived.  Thought you would like to watch them back in to the parking area here.  I sped up the video so you wouldn't get bored.

As soon as everything was set up for the cook out it started to rain.  Had a brief shower.  Just enough to soak everything.

After the rain passed we had our cook out.

Other than that, I slept a lot today.  Nothing else going on.