Friday, February 9, 2018

Friday, February 9, 2018

Left at sunrise this morning and drove down to the Port in Freeport, Texas.  Wasn't sure I would make it today, but I got lucky and did.  Delivered the dump truck chassis.  Those things are really fun to drive.  Next load is over in Victoria, Texas Monday morning.  I drove over to the TA truck stop in Ganado, Texas for the rest of the weekend.  I'm only 31 miles from Victoria.

Thursday, February 8, 2018

Thursday, February 8, 2018

Left a half hour before sunrise this morning.  Met my escort pilot car at the Missouri state line.  He had it easy in Missouri but when we got to Arkansas he had to work a bit harder.  Most of the way through Arkansas was off the Interstate and on back roads.  Took all day but we made it to the Flying J truck stop in Texarkana, Arkansas for the night.  I'll be back "flying solo" again tomorrow,  Don't need him in Texas.

Wednesday, February 7, 2018

Wednesday, February 7, 2018

We got about an inch of snow.  Went to leave this morning to beat rush hour in Indianapolis but the damn Pilot truck stop parking lot was too small and I couldn't get out without hitting the trucks parked on either side of me.  And I could really only turn left out of my parking place.  The guy on my left would not move, so neither could I.  Had to wait until he decided to go.  I went back to bed.  About 2 hours later he pulled out, but he had difficulty getting out too.  His truck and trailer were much shorter than mine and he was able to get out after several attempts.  Then I pulled out.  Still snowing. Fortunately had no difficulties getting through Indianapolis.  Continued on to Decatur.  Got sleepy on the way.  Had to stop twice!! to take a short nap.  Finally got there and loaded a Caterpillar 775G Dump Truck chassis that is going to Freeport, Texas.

By the time I left there I didn't have a whole lot of hours left.  Drove to the Flying J truck stop in Mt. Vernon, Illinois for the night.  Have to have an escort pilot car in Missouri.  He will meet me at the state line when I get there in the morning.

Tuesday, February 6, 2018

Tuesday, February 6, 2018

The snow that was forecast came last night.  Fortunately it was only a heavy dusting.  No problems with the roads.  Left just before sunrise this morning.  Met the guy that was to receive the machine where I get off the Interstate and head back into the back roads of Ohio.  He led me in.  Boy was I glad he did.  The first road was only 6 miles long but it was a doozie!! Narrow two lane road with drop offs on both sides.  VERY steep ups and downs and a lot of blind curves, some of them very sharp.  Took over 20 minutes to go those 6 miles.  Very difficult road with an extremely top heavy machine. Then another 25 miles on another two lane road.  This one wasn't as narrow but had a few really wicked curves on steep hills.  

Just a reminder of what it looked like.

Finally made it to the job site.  The entrance was a sharp right turn on a snow covered dirt road that went down and had a couple slight curves in it.   I attempted to get in there several times but was unable to make the turn off the main road.  Luckily there was enough room for me to parallel park the truck just off the road.  We unloaded the machine there.  It was tricky, but it worked.  Glad that one is done!!

Next load is over in Decatur, Illinois.  I started off that way.  Stopped for the night at the Pilot truck stop in Mount Comfort, Indiana.  More snow forecast for tonight starting after midnight with the worst of it right at rush hour.  Goodie!!

Monday, February 5, 2018

Monday, February 5, 2018

Got up at 1 am this morning to swap out one of the wood blocks from under the machine.  The weight of the machine had squished it a bit and caused the machine to lean.  Finished that by 3 am and I left the truck stop.  In Tennessee permit loads can run at night, so I did.  Was doing just fine until I got to Ohio.  There is a place along I-71 that is notorious for cops screwing with trucks.  There are other places in Ohio like that too.  Ohio, in general screws a lot with trucks. Anyway, it was my turn today.  Was pulled over and then told to pull behind the weigh station.  The cop looked a bunch of stuff and took measurements of my truck and trailer. Then he compared his measurements to what was on my permit.  Some were not correct on the permit.  He pulled my permit and issued me two citations.  Chicken shit crap.  All it is is legalized extortion!!  And they wonder why we HATE cops!!  I wouldn't piss on one if he was burning!!  So I had to wait there until I got a new permit.  An hour and forty five minutes later, I was back moving again.  Stopped for the night at the TA in Hebron, Ohio.  Supposed to snow tonight.  Hope not.  Deliver in the morning, weather permitting.

Sunday, February 4, 2018

Sunday, February 4, 2018

After trying to sleep last night I got up this morning and started to try to fix the load.  Of course it poured rain the whole time.  Three and a half hours later, I had it fixed!  I called the service guy and canceled him. Fortunately he had not left yet.  Then I went in and took a long hot shower.  When I came out the rain had stopped.  Go figure!!  Left there and had no problems going through Atlanta.  Stopped for the night at the Pilot truck stop in McDonald, Tennessee.