Tuesday, February 6, 2018

Tuesday, February 6, 2018

The snow that was forecast came last night.  Fortunately it was only a heavy dusting.  No problems with the roads.  Left just before sunrise this morning.  Met the guy that was to receive the machine where I get off the Interstate and head back into the back roads of Ohio.  He led me in.  Boy was I glad he did.  The first road was only 6 miles long but it was a doozie!! Narrow two lane road with drop offs on both sides.  VERY steep ups and downs and a lot of blind curves, some of them very sharp.  Took over 20 minutes to go those 6 miles.  Very difficult road with an extremely top heavy machine. Then another 25 miles on another two lane road.  This one wasn't as narrow but had a few really wicked curves on steep hills.  

Just a reminder of what it looked like.

Finally made it to the job site.  The entrance was a sharp right turn on a snow covered dirt road that went down and had a couple slight curves in it.   I attempted to get in there several times but was unable to make the turn off the main road.  Luckily there was enough room for me to parallel park the truck just off the road.  We unloaded the machine there.  It was tricky, but it worked.  Glad that one is done!!

Next load is over in Decatur, Illinois.  I started off that way.  Stopped for the night at the Pilot truck stop in Mount Comfort, Indiana.  More snow forecast for tonight starting after midnight with the worst of it right at rush hour.  Goodie!!

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