Saturday, December 24, 2016

Wednesday, December 21, 2016

Wednesday, December 21, 2016

Fortunately the fog was not as bad as the "weather weasels" on TV had predicted and I left just before sunrise.  Drove in to Atlanta and delivered the stuff.  That place was not easy to get into.  It is a metals recycling place in the middle of a residential area.  Very tight in there!! Had to back in off the road.

After I left there got stuck in bumper to bumper traffic for about an hour just south of Atlanta.  After I got out of that mess I drove home to Jacksonville.  Will be here for the Christmas Holiday.

Tuesday, December 20, 2016

Tuesday, December 20, 2016

Left this morning and had a good day on the road. No issues at all.  Stopped for the night at the Petro truck stop in Bucksville, Alabama.  Supposed to get some heavy fog tonight so I may not be able to leave tomorrow until it lifts.

Monday, December 19, 2016

Monday, December 19, 2016

This morning I was in Grand Prairie, TX well before the sun came up in order to beat the rush hour traffic.  My small load turned out to be a full truck load and it took forever to get it loaded.  It is a section of the shredder pictured below.  It is going up to Atlanta, Georgia.

There were also two other trucks loading parts of the machine too.  One 13 axle truck had the big section of the machine on tracks.  The other multi-axle truck was loading the power section.  It too was on tracks.  You can see it behind my truck in the photo below.

Left there but didn't get too far.  Couldn't go through Shreveport, Louisiana because of the curfew so I had to stop at the Petro truck stop in Shreveport just outside the curfew area.  Can't start until after 9 am tomorrow morning for the same reason.