Saturday, July 16, 2016

Saturday, July 16, 2016

Started off this morning by getting two new tires on the truck.  Then drove into Idaho thinking that I would be there for the weekend because my Montana permit had not arrived.  After being there for a couple hours my Montana permit showed up in my email, much to my surprise.  So I got back on the road.  Here are a couple more photos of the mountains.  Sorry about the bugs on the windshield.

Here is a photo of the mountain overlooking Butte, Montana. Notice anything about it?

No?  Well here is a little help.

Here is a close up.  Sorry it is a bit fuzzy.  That's the best I could get.

To see what it is, and get a much better picture, CLICK HERE.

Stopped for the rest of the weekend at the Pilot truck stop in Billings, Montana.

Friday, July 15, 2016

Friday, July 15, 2016

Late this morning I got another load.  I left and headed for Spokane, Washington.  I-90 in western Montana and Idaho is absolutely gorgeous!!  Sorry I couldn't get any photos today, too much traffic, road construction, and curvy roads.  Saw a few deer and a mother moose and her two babies.  Made it to Spokane and loaded a Caterpillar tank in a crate that is going to Miami Lakes, Florida.

Believe it or not, this is a permit load.  It hangs off one side 1 inch and the other side 2 inches.  How silly!!  Stopped for the night at the Petro truck stop in Spokane, Washington.

Thursday, July 14, 2016

Thursday, July 14, 2016

Got started again just before sunrise this morning. The weather couldn't be any better!!!!!  Lows in the mid 40s and highs in the lower 80s, very low humidity too.  Here are a few pictures of sunrise in Montana.  I LOVE it out here!!!!

Have I come upon Brigadoon?

Made it up to Fairfield, Montana and finally delivered the hub.  Had to go eight miles down a dirt road to the job site.  As expected, I don't have another load lined up so I drove back to Butte, Montana and stopped at the Pilot truck stop for the night.

Wednesday, July 13, 2016

Wednesday, July 13, 2016

Left this morning just before sunrise this morning.  Today it was ALL up and down through the mountains.  Went past Devil's Tower (sort of).  Can see it from I-90 off in the distance.  Here are a few pictures of the view in Wyoming.  If you want to look it up, I was on I-90 west bound.

Only saw one Pronghorn today.  last time I came through here they were all over the place.

Internet Photo
Then in Wyoming went up a little higher and the views were even better.  Unfortunately the photos don't do it justice, but here are some anyway. 

 And through Bozemam Pass.  Stopped for the night at a truck stop in Whitehall, Montana.  While doing my post trip inspection I found that I had  flat tire on the truck.  Went next door to a repair shop and they came over and fixed it.

Here is where the leak was.  This view is the inside of the tire.

And here is the culprit!

It is all fixed and I'm ready to go tomorrow morning.  I should be able to deliver tomorrow.

Tuesday, July 12, 2016

Tuesday, July 12, 2016

The generator ran perfectly all night last night.  FANTASTIC!!  Had a mild thunderstorm during the night but it sure didn't live up to its billing.  Left this morning just before sunrise.  Had a great day on the road.  Weather was perfect, and the traffic was light.  Went past the Corn Palace, Wall Drug, and the Badlands again today.  Had a wolf cross the road in front of me.  Had to change lanes to keep from hitting him. As I passed him he turned and looked at me.  Pretty cool.  Later on, just east of Rapid City, South Dakota an Air Force B-1 Bomber flew over me.  It was from Ellswoth Air Force Base that is in Rapid City.  Was coming in for a landing.  Went by too quick for me to get a picture of it so I "borrowed" one from the internet.

Stopped for the night at the Flying J truck stop in Rapid City, South Dakota.

Monday, July 11, 2016

Monday, July 11, 2016

The part came in today.  After he put it in and all back together he started it and it did the exact same thing again!!  So, he took it apart again and did something else (don't ask me what, I have no idea), then ran it again.  This time it worked right.  Then it was shift change,  So the guy from the next shift put it all back in my truck.  By the time I got out of there it was 6:30 pm local time.  I drove a whopping 13 miles to the Love's truck stop in Clive, Iowa on the other side of Des Moines for the night.  So far the generator is running perfectly.  I'll be sleeping with one ear on the generator tonight. Heavy thunderstorms expected later on.  Radar right now shows them building just west of here.