Saturday, April 30, 2016

Saturday, April 30, 2016

Left at sunrise this morning and drove the rest of the way into Baltimore, Maryland.  Had to get there before noon because in Maryland permit loads can not operate after noon. Got to the TA truck stop at 11 am.  Will deliver Monday morning.

Friday, April 29, 2016

Friday, April 29, 2016

Left first thing this morning.  Nice easy day on the road.  Nothing exciting or interesting today. Stopped for the night at a truck stop at the Pennsylvania / West Virginia line on I-79.

Thursday, April 28, 2016

Thursday, April 28, 2016

Drove the rest of the way into Waterloo and loaded a John Deere 9620RX Tractor that is going to the Port of Baltimore.

Had to wait for a few hours for permits. but after things got straightened out I left and drove down to the Pilot truck stop in Covington, Indiana for the night.

Wednesday, April 27, 2016

Wednesday, April 27, 2016

I decided that I was not going to wait there any longer so at midnight local time I left and headed back east.  Developed a problem with my generator so I stopped at Cummins in Des Moines, Iowa and had it fixed. After that went over to the Flying J truck stop in Altoona, Iowa for the night.  I load tomorrow morning in Waterloo, Iowa.  

Tornado watch in effect here until 9 pm local time.  They are expecting some weather tonight.  I love a good thunder storm.  Just don't like the hail that usually comes with it out here.

Tuesday, April 26, 2016

Tuesday, April 26, 2016

We got about 2 inches of wet slushy snow this morning.  By this afternoon it was all gone.  Still don't have a load.

Monday, April 25, 2016

Monday, April 25, 2016

First thing this morning went to Denver and delivered the first excavator.  Then drove up to Cheyenne, Wyoming and delivered the other excavator.  Don't have another load yet so I went to the TA truck stop in Cheyenne to wait.

I love it out west!!

128.7 kmh

Sunday, April 24, 2016

Sunday, April 24, 2016

Left very early this morning.  No problems at all going through Kansas City.  About half way though Kansas drove through a cold front.  Sky looked real nasty!  Lots of lightening.  Wasn't worried about it at all.  It was still very early in the morning, as you can tell from my long shadow.  Big storms that produce tornadoes very rarely occur in the early morning.  They need the heat of the day to get them fired up.

Made it through the storm rather quickly and continued on into Colorado.

Went past this town...

Interesting little town. There is only one place in town to drink alcohol, the Bar BQ.   The politics there are a little different.  The town's Mayor, Patty Cow, is quite a heifer!  She likes to keep things stable.  But when someone does have a beef, she corrals everyone because they all have a steak in the outcome.  It is very rare that there is not a lot of bull argued although no one gets slaughtered.  But she does not let anyone horn in and add hot coals to the fire.  Don't get me wrong, she will tan someones hide if she has to.  In the end everyone congratulates her on a job well done!!  As you know by now that this whole thing is udderly ridiculous!!  I won't milk any more out of it and return to the blog.

Stopped for the night at the Flying J truck stop in Aurora, Colorado.  This place is jammed packed!!!  I was lucky to get a spot to park.  Trucks are packed in here like sardines!!!  Hope I don't get hit and can get out in the morning.