Saturday, October 30, 2010

Saturday, October 30, 2010

Drove from Arizona to Texas today.  On the way went thru El Paso again.  This time the traffic was light so I stopped on the side of the road to take a few photos.  These are where I-10 almost bumps into the US-Mexican border. You can see the border fence.  On the Mexican side is the city of Ciudad Juarez, Mexico.  That is the city you hear about on the news.  The drug wars are in full swing there.  Over 2000 murders there this year.  Every time I drive by there I look to see if I see anyone getting shot.

Then went through another Border Patrol Check Point.

On I-20 in the Odessa area there are hundreds of oil wells.  Here is only one of them.

Stopped for the rest of the weekend in Sweetwater, Texas at the TA truck stop after driving 651 miles today.

Shortly after I got here a belt started slipping and burning on my APU so I had to shut that off.  WONDERFUL!!!  Will attend to that after I deliver Monday.  Thinking about getting a hotel.

Friday, October 29, 2010

Friday, October 29, 2010

My next load was in Calexico, CA, just barely in the USA.  I was only about 10 miles away.  Drove over and picked up a load of shelves that came from Mexico. Quite often products made in Mexico are brought into the country and dropped off at a "middle man".  Basically a place to move stuff from the Mexican truck to an American truck and the other way around when stuff goes to Mexico.  These shelves are going to Dallas.

Got on the road and headed back east.  Went through the Imperial Sand Dunes Recreation Area in southern California.  I have sent photos of this before.  If you look close in the photo, those black dots in the sand are all ATVs (all terrain vehicles).  There are hundreds of them all over.  This area must be the toy hauler capitol of the USA.  They are everywhere!

 Went through another Border Patrol Check Point.

Then went into Arizona.  Here are some photos of western Arizona.

Then I got pulled over by the Arizona Highway Patrol.  He stopped me because my trailer mud flaps were flapping in the wind and not staying down.  Also that they were 2 inches too high off the ground.  They are supposed to be 8 inches off the ground, mine were 10.  And cops wonder why everyone hates them??!!??  He did a level 2 inspection and I did fine except for the mud flaps.  He also said that I had an air leak in the trailer someplace but he could not pinpoint it.  I tried to explain that what he heard was normal for that trailer but of course he knows everything!  "I've been doing this many years......"  Blah, blah, blah.  Fortunately I didn't get any tickets.

I stoppoed at a place just out of Tucson, AZ and had my mud flaps changed out and the "air leak" checked.    There was no leak.  But I don't know anything!

Here are some of the cactus in Arizona.

Stopped for the night at the TA truck stop in Willcox, AZ after driving only 401 miles.

Thursday, October 28, 2010

Thursday, October 28, 2010

Drove on down to Corona, CA this morning and delivered that stuff there.  That's just outside Los Angeles.  I left real early so that I would not get caught in all that LA traffic.  I was lucky!!  No bumper to bumper traffic today!!  Thats amazing for LA.

Then drove down to Brawley, CA and delivered the rest of the stuff.  Brawley is just north of El Centro which is on I-8 between San Diego, CA and Yuma, AZ just north of the Mexican border.

When I got empty I went to El Centro to a truck stop at exit 115 on I-8 for the night.  Plenty of parking but not much else.  Only drove 524 miles today.  I guess that's pretty good considering that trucks can only go 55 mph in this stupid nanny state. I'm still waiting for an earthquake.  None yet.

Wednesday, October 27, 2010

Wednesday, October 27, 2010

Drove into California this morning on I-80 over Donner Pass again.  Did it at night so no photos today.  The road construction is almost done there.  It is a lot nicer.  About 4 inches of snow on the ground up there.

Delivered the first part, and the most difficult, of the load in Santa Clara.  Then headed south.  Next stop is Corona, CA.  That is right next to LA.

Stopped for the night in Santa Nella, CA at the Petro truck stop.  Drove 551 miles today.

Tuesday, October 26, 2010

Tuesday, October 26, 2010

Woke up this morning to find a light dusting of snow all over.  24 degrees outside and the wind still blowing, although not as hard.  There was a bit of black ice in some places on the highway.  Here is some of the scenery of west Wyoming this morning:

Then entered Utah.  Here is some of eastern Utah:

Then I ran into some snow on the mountain just east of Salt Lake City.

Once I got over the top and going down the other side it cleared up nicely. 

This photo is just coming into Salt Lake City.

Here is the Morton salt plant on the southern portion of the Great Salt Lake.  Those big white piles are pure salt. 

Then entered Nevada and started to go back up again.  It didn't look too good up ahead.

I was right, more snow.

Finally drove out of that and went back down again. 

Stopped for the night in Battle Mountain, Nevada at the Flying J truck stop.  With all the up and down and bad weather I managed to drive 767 miles today.

Monday, October 25, 2010

Monday, October 25, 2010

Got an early start this morning.  Drove 773 miles today.  On the way through Nebraska went through a cold front.  Had some rain, no big deal.  After I passed the front the wind really picked up.  This truck (as well as all the others) was blowing all over the highway.  Tumble weeds blowing all over too.  Weather reporters say the wind is blowing from 35 to 65 miles an hour.  I believe it.  Stopped for the night just east of Cheyenne, Wyoming at the TA Truck stop.  This truck is still being blown around by the wind.  Feels like there is a football team outside rocking the truck back & forth.  I guess I'll be rocked to sleep tonight.