Saturday, October 30, 2010

Saturday, October 30, 2010

Drove from Arizona to Texas today.  On the way went thru El Paso again.  This time the traffic was light so I stopped on the side of the road to take a few photos.  These are where I-10 almost bumps into the US-Mexican border. You can see the border fence.  On the Mexican side is the city of Ciudad Juarez, Mexico.  That is the city you hear about on the news.  The drug wars are in full swing there.  Over 2000 murders there this year.  Every time I drive by there I look to see if I see anyone getting shot.

Then went through another Border Patrol Check Point.

On I-20 in the Odessa area there are hundreds of oil wells.  Here is only one of them.

Stopped for the rest of the weekend in Sweetwater, Texas at the TA truck stop after driving 651 miles today.

Shortly after I got here a belt started slipping and burning on my APU so I had to shut that off.  WONDERFUL!!!  Will attend to that after I deliver Monday.  Thinking about getting a hotel.

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