Friday, October 29, 2010

Friday, October 29, 2010

My next load was in Calexico, CA, just barely in the USA.  I was only about 10 miles away.  Drove over and picked up a load of shelves that came from Mexico. Quite often products made in Mexico are brought into the country and dropped off at a "middle man".  Basically a place to move stuff from the Mexican truck to an American truck and the other way around when stuff goes to Mexico.  These shelves are going to Dallas.

Got on the road and headed back east.  Went through the Imperial Sand Dunes Recreation Area in southern California.  I have sent photos of this before.  If you look close in the photo, those black dots in the sand are all ATVs (all terrain vehicles).  There are hundreds of them all over.  This area must be the toy hauler capitol of the USA.  They are everywhere!

 Went through another Border Patrol Check Point.

Then went into Arizona.  Here are some photos of western Arizona.

Then I got pulled over by the Arizona Highway Patrol.  He stopped me because my trailer mud flaps were flapping in the wind and not staying down.  Also that they were 2 inches too high off the ground.  They are supposed to be 8 inches off the ground, mine were 10.  And cops wonder why everyone hates them??!!??  He did a level 2 inspection and I did fine except for the mud flaps.  He also said that I had an air leak in the trailer someplace but he could not pinpoint it.  I tried to explain that what he heard was normal for that trailer but of course he knows everything!  "I've been doing this many years......"  Blah, blah, blah.  Fortunately I didn't get any tickets.

I stoppoed at a place just out of Tucson, AZ and had my mud flaps changed out and the "air leak" checked.    There was no leak.  But I don't know anything!

Here are some of the cactus in Arizona.

Stopped for the night at the TA truck stop in Willcox, AZ after driving only 401 miles.

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