Saturday, March 10, 2018

Saturday, March 10, 2018

Checked out of the hotel this morning and was back at the job site at 8:30.  Sat there all morning while they made room for me and while the big crane went to the site and set up.  They were not finished until about 1 pm.  They also brought a smaller crane over to the parking lot near me.  They took the other truck in to unload him.  He barely made it in.  Then they brought me in next to the smaller crane and there I sat.

They took the thing off my trailer and sat it on the ground while I got out of the way. Then the other truck came back and they put it on his trailer and he took it back into the site.  I didn't get empty until 4:30 this afternoon.  I left my trailer there and went back to the hotel for the night.

Friday, March 9, 2018

Friday, March 9, 2018

Left the TA truck stop this morning and crossed the Newburgh / Beacon Bridge with no difficulties.  Continued on all the way through Connecticut without any problems either.  Made it all the way to the job site where I am to deliver the thing. That's where the fun began!!  Here is the Google Maps view of where I was going:

I was to come down the exit ramp from the Interstate and turn right on Victory Road and pull over.  They were going to come out and meet me there.  Looks good from this view.  BUT it doesn't look like that anymore.  When I got to the intersection I found out that there wasn't enough room for me to make a right (or left) turn.  There is a telephone pole right on the corner on the right and a street sign on the left.  I attempted it anyway just to prove that it couldn't be done. 

If you look real close by the guard rail you can see where my left front tire sunk in the dirt (mud) as I tried to round the corner.  Below is a closer view of it.

I backed out and back onto the exit ramp, off to the side so traffic could get by while one of my escorts directed traffic.  Went in and met with the guy I had been communicating with on the way up.  We discussed the situation and then walked through where I was going to have to go tomorrow to unload.  It aint gonna be easy!!  The only way I was going to get off the road tonight was to have the driver of the trailer in front of me to come back and relocate his trailer.  They called him.  He was at the closest truck stop about 2 hours away. He came.  They had to move a bunch of cars then move some other things with a wheel loader.  Here is what it looked like in front of me.

Here is a closer view.

When the other driver arrived he moved the trailer and I went in and dropped my trailer where his was for the night.  See that opening in the fence next to the port-a-potty?  That's where I have to go in tomorrow and it only gets worse from there!!  Gonna be an interesting day!!  I didn't want to drive for 2 hours to get to a truck stop so I got a hotel room a few blocks from the job site.  They want me back there about 9 am tomorrow.  Stay tuned!!  It's gonna be a fun morning!!!

Thursday, March 8, 2018

Thursday, March 8, 2018

This morning my new pilot escort car was waiting for me as I reconnected to my trailer.  We left at sunrise.  I definitely made the right decision even though the "desk jockeys" were not happy at all with me.  I don't care.  The roads were great.  Pennsylvania did a great job clearing the roads.  Just south of Scranton we stopped to check to see if the truck travel restrictions in New York had been lifted.  They were so we continued on.  Met up with my second pilot escort car at the Pennsylvania / New York state line on I-84.  We continued on to the TA truck stop in Maybrook, NY.  While I topped off my fuel tanks my pilot cars looked through the parking lot for a place for me to park. It was pretty full.  I needed two open spots, one right behind the other in a location that I could maneuver into and out of.  That doesn't leave a whole lot of places.  There was a couple of "maybes" but nothing definite.  I left my truck at the fuel pump and got in one of the cars and we drove around looking some more.  Found one that was difficult to get into, but doable. They held the spots while I went back and got the truck.  I drove around but wanted to hit it from a different angle.  While driving around the parking lot I saw a potential spot opening up.  I called one of the cars over to hold it.  Had to ask the truck driver parked in the spot behind the open spot if he would be able to relocate. Fortunately, he agreed to move.  The other pilot car came over and the two of them held the two spots while I backed into the parking places.  It is the perfect spot.  

Tomorrow morning we will leave here and go over to make the 10 am crossing of the Newburgh / Beacon Bridge.  They only allow oversized loads to cross the bridge two times a day and only Monday through Friday.  The crossing times are 10 am and 2 pm.  They charge $100 plus the bridge toll.  They close the road to all traffic, then escort all the oversized load trucks (spaced out about 100 yards) across the bridge.  After everyone is across the bridge escorts drop off and they reopen the road to traffic.

Wednesday, March 7, 2018

Wednesday, March 7, 2018

It has been an interesting, and very busy day.  Spending a lot of time monitoring the weather in the New England area. Lots of time on the computer researching the route and potential places to stop, trouble spots, etc. Google and Google Maps is invaluable!!!  How did we ever get along without them??!!!??  My truck was due for service so I had that done while I was here. Also did four loads of laundry.  Had to let my escort car go because he is not certified in New York.  Talked to the guy at the job site that is getting the thing, reordered permits, talked to my new pilot escort cars. Will need two when I get to NY.  One will meet me in the morning and we will move closer to New York.  Want to be close enough so that we will have no trouble making the 10 am crossing of the Newburgh / Beacon Bridge Friday morning. Just hope I can find a place to park.  Connecticut is going to be the "problem child".  They have the tightest weather restrictions of anyone, anywhere and can't run on the weekends.  Will have to get through there on Friday.  Wish me luck!!

Tuesday, March 6, 2018

Tuesday, March 6, 2018

At sunrise this morning we wanted to leave but couldn't.  Blocked in by a bunch of trucks parked where they aren't supposed to park.

About a half hour later enough of them had left for us to get out.  Drove up to the home office in Carlisle, PA.  I made a very unpopular decision not to continue north because of the incoming winter storm.

New York:

Winter Storm Warning

National Weather Service New York NY
342 PM EST Tue Mar 6 2018

Western Passaic-Eastern Passaic-Western Bergen-Orange-Putnam-
Rockland-Northern Westchester-
342 PM EST Tue Mar 6 2018


* WHAT...Heavy snow expected. Total snow accumulations of 10 to 16
  inches with localized amounts up to 18 inches are expected.

* WHERE...Portions of northeast New Jersey and southeast New

* WHEN...From midnight tonight to 4 AM EST Thursday. The heaviest
  snow is expected in the afternoon when snowfall rates of 1 to 2
  inches per hour are possible.

* ADDITIONAL DETAILS...Travel will be very difficult to
  impossible, including during the evening commute on Wednesday.
  Travel will also be difficult during the morning commute. Be
  prepared for significant reductions in visibility at times.
  Power outages due to heavy snow weighing down trees or their
  limbs will be possible.


Winter Storm Warning

National Weather Service Taunton MA
226 PM EST Tue Mar 6 2018

Western Franklin MA-Eastern Franklin MA-Northern Worcester MA-
Central Middlesex MA-Western Essex MA-Western Hampshire MA-
Western Hampden MA-Southern Worcester MA-Northern Middlesex MA-
Including the cities of Charlemont, Greenfield, Orange, Barre,
Fitchburg, Framingham, Lowell, Lawrence, Chesterfield, Blandford,
Milford, Worcester, and Ayer
226 PM EST Tue Mar 6 2018


* WHAT...Heavy snow expected. Total snow accumulations of 12 to 18
  inches are expected.

* WHERE...Much of western and central Massachusetts.

* WHEN...From 7 AM Wednesday to 1 PM EST Thursday.

* ADDITIONAL DETAILS...Travel will be very difficult, if not
  impossible, during the Wednesday afternoon commute. Heavy snow
  falling at the rate of 2 to 3 inches per hour is likely.


A Winter Storm Warning for snow means severe winter weather
conditions will make travel very hazardous or impossible. If you
must travel, keep an extra flashlight, food and water in your
vehicle in case of an emergency.

Image may contain: 1 person

I was not willing to take the chance.  Not sure how long I'll be here, possibly Monday.  Hope not.

Monday, March 5, 2018

Monday, March 5, 2018

Another interesting day on the road.  It started off very good, but that didn't last long.  Pulled out of the truck stop at 2 am without any problems.  BUT when I went to turn on the entrance ramp of the Interstate the trailer bottomed out big time!!  Fortunately the only thing that was blocked was the entrance ramp.   

Had to call a wrecker and the cops.  The cops showed up and were surprisingly very nice.  A while later the wrecker showed up.  Took about 10 minutes for the wrecker to pull me over the hump.  Somehow I lot a mud flap on the truck during the "festivities".   Finally got on the road. But the delay screwed up my timing.  Had it planned to get through Knoxville before curfew.  That didn't happen.  Had to stop and wait for it to get over at 9 am.  Then drove into Knoxville.  At the weigh station there I dropped my trailer and went to the truck stop for fuel.  Then went back and got the trailer again.  We continued on without any more difficulties.  Didn't get as far as I wanted to today.  Stopped at the rest area on I-81 at mile marker 129 in Virginia.  I dropped my trailer there and went for dinner.  Then stopped for fuel.  While there I got the mud flap replaced.  Then went back and reconnected to my trailer and settled in for the night.  I'm exhausted!!!!!  Good night.